3rd year in a row means we have to do this every year now. Sublime. 26 August, 202326 August, 2023 Original post at instagram
Can confirm, Pfeifferhorn still steep in places. And gorgeous 19 August, 202320 August, 2023 Original post at instagram
New memento mori just dropped on Liberty Ave 15 August, 202315 August, 2023 Original post at instagram
3am start, 14,500ft climb, 63 miles, running round some crazy scenic bits of Utah. 7 August, 20238 August, 2023 Original post at instagram
Mum’s favourite walk in Somerset, tide in, peak heather 13 July, 202313 July, 2023 Original post at instagram
Settled in. Folks’ new house is full of familiar comforts and dad’s already converted the lawn into a market garden. Lovely to be back 25 June, 202325 June, 2023 Original post at instagram
Saw all the trees + several of the Pacific Northwest’s most charismatic megafauna ? ? ?whilst running through Redwood Ntl Park, California. Nigh on perfect day out. (? ? not pictured ) 20 June, 202322 June, 2023 Original post at instagram https://fatmap.com/adventureid/65245017/redwood-ntl-park-50mi?utm_source=embed&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=https://agaveweb.com/