Temperature’s in Centigrade for a bit

Temperature’s in Centigrade for a bit

Just so it doesn’t come as a massive shock, I’ve switched the weather widget in the footer to Celsius until it stops being so cold. Fahrenheit breaks down into an intuitive decimal system when it’s hot (70s = lovely ta, 80s = unpleasantly hot, 90s = grim, 100+ = awful, awful, awful. Awful.) but when we’re below freezing it makes no sense at all. It’s -6°C at time of typing which it turns out is plenty cold enough to turn a forgotten bottle of sangrita into ice in the boot of the car.

Follow @mattmietchen on Twitter for more florid descriptions of the cold

Today’s Tweets: 4 January, 2013



Today’s Tweets: 3 January, 2013

Sponsor me little sis

We could all take a leaf out of me little sister’s book. But not in January, ‘cos turning 38 is going to require a pint or three. Plus one for the road. Follow along on her (surprisingly-well-orchestrated) social media campaign and pledge a few quid to help a good cause.

beffOK so it’s not running a marathon or anything, but I’m going alcohol free for January to raise money for Alcohol Concern. Can I interest anyone in signing up? http://www.dryjanuary.org.uk/

Or sponsoring me? here

Or following my very basic blog which I have been unable to sync to my fundraising page? http://bethanfisher.wordpress.com/