One many new words I learnt today was Palomear.
A paloma is a dove or pigeon as you probably already knew thanks to crimes-against-music like this. And in Mexico, a paloma is a tick (or check mark I think in US parlance) because it looks like a bird in flight, I presume. As drawn by a 6 year old.
So palomear, to tick. At least I think so because the other option “to devote a great deal of time to raising pigeons” really didn’t seem to work in the context of a technical manual…
you are correct. “Palomear also means to havean informal music jam sesion, I have no idea why…
Jonathan King should be put in jail for life after this… shame on him, shame on him…
Actually he's serving a 7 year jail term right now, but for very different reasons…
it’s 12.24 am… tonight I have no issues with my insomnia…is the bloody Jonathan King song I have trouble with!!! it’s inside my head!! “una paloma blaaaancaaaaaa” (bargh)