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Does blogging about blogging constitute metablogging? Here are some popular metablog themes of which I’ve been guilty:

  • (bloody) Comment Spam
  • “Sorry I haven’t updated this in a while, but…”
  • Memes (questionnaires, etc that get forwarded from blog to blog like ‘mind viruses’) You are a Capricorn! type thing
  • How to use my RSS (Richard Sutherland-Smith, I’m reliably informed) feed
  • Sign my Guestmap
  • Search terms that got people to the site. Michael Jackson Dance Moves is a regular one for Gwynunlimited, they get to the film review of 13 going on 30
  • Google Pagerank

Righty, I’m giving it a week and Gwyn’s blog is moving addresses and all because of the Russians and their underhand phentermine flogging tactics. What they give with they take away with this stuff. The archive will stay here but I’ll turn off comments and shove a bit red CLICK HERE TO GO TO NEW BLOG button in the first entry, then I’m afraid you’ll have to update your bookmarks, links or aggregators and hie thee hence to I meanwhile will have to notify feedburner, technorati, google, bloggingbrits, and a ‘sinfin‘ of other sites to try to nudge the pagerank up a bit.

Cesar was true to form and didn’t take us to the Lucha Libre last night, el muy cabron. But we’ll get there eventually especially after Ed’s glowing recommendation in the comments in the entry below, somewhere after online casino, but before Viagra. We went out for pozole and tacos instead and I watched another DVD- Zatoichi, the Blind Swordsman. Review coming soon to the IFRAME on the right… Breakfast and work beckon… hasta pronto, gwyn