Plug for Ed’s blog

Ed’s got some envy-inducing shots up of his travels round the bottomest parts of Latin America on his latest entries. I recommend you head over there. Although the tag line “This week I lost my towel” needs work…

Things going well as per usual as we cruise on into the weekend. Jose & Fernando are coming over for a few chelas before heading off to the pub. Possibility of a gig tomorrow evening.

Have I mentioned it’s getting hot round here… gotta go sita’s just arrived.


  1. Patagonia?
    I can’t remove the mental image of the sketch from “The Fast Show”.
    And I forget whom that was based on too.

  2. This time you've lost me, Paul. Even Google's not giving me much for “patagonia, fast show”. Favourite Fast Show sketch, though? Well that would be the Xmas special EuroTV birth of Jesus story. Jaysu Jaysu, Holy Esprog.

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