
I’m putting finishing touches to this here site for a friend of mine in Santa Cruz. I’m quite happy with how the theme looks and the minor modifications. It didn’t take long at all, I’m getting quite handy with WordPress installs. Next up is making a flyer for the event they’re advertising.

Yesterday I went to the Casa de Orozco museum by Los Arcos de Guadalajara. It’s a very small little place but had some nice folk-style artwork, nothing cutting-edge. Which is a good thing. Then in the evening Monica made one of the best homemade dishes I’ve had in a while, some kind of beef stroganof (not sure of the spelling there, Firefox is suggesting “estrogen”) which was delicious.

15 people have voted on the photo tour. It’s looking increasingly likely that it’ll start in the Panteon de Belen (where I took the Day of the Dead photos last year), which is grand. The photos won’t be as colourful as during D of the D mind. But it should be a healthy turn out.

Don’t know if you noticed that links to Monica and Daniel’s blog have stopped working. M pressed some button or other and the next thing she knew ChiliCatinLA ceased to exist. She’s been haranguing google’s blogger service, but so far to no avail. Fingers and all that crossed. Backup, backup, backup…

Here’s a butterfly trying to escape the traffic yesterday by Los Arcos de Guadalajara…



  1. Ay, la vida de las mariposas… tan sencillo.

    Ahi en inglaterra tenemos un mundo muy lindo con una primavera de arboles verdes, flores de amarillo, etc.
    Soy optimista- me gusta mucho los sensaciones del mundo de la naturaleza- y quizas lo de mi familia y mis amigos.

    Jen y yo, intentaremos celebrar la vida de Lilian.
    Quisieramos una celebracion de la vida de nuestros parientes- Win y Emlyn, Lilian y Ron
    Recuerdas tan buenas..

  2. Así son. Qué bueno que tuvimos tanto tiempo juntos y tanta felicidad. Sarita y yo encendimos una vela hoy para Grandma y platicamos mucho sobre ella. También estamos pensando en uds y toda la familia y la celebración para Lilian hoy.

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