If I get over 400 points in a two player game of scrabble, I’m happy with meself, but this geezer racked up 365pts with just one word…
As I wex lyrical to my jo, it’s not qua my abilities. Even when armed with my jax and the azo qi is flowing fortuitously through the qats.
Meanwhile, my puritanical Scrabble for my pocket PC refuses to accept “poo”.
That was truly gripping.
I would not have believed that about Scrabble.
Going to repost the link on our blog and give you credit as source.
That PPC of yours deserves a damn good thrashing, see to it!
Have you read “Word Freak” by Steven Fatsis? Highly recommended if not. And only 69 cents, plus about 10 bucks P&P, prob’ly. Cheers for stopping by again, see you in the funny pages.
Can’t say I have, but I might be purchasing a copy by year’s end. Cheers.