Reunions and goodbyes

100_7394Another car crash occurred at the crossroads outside out house, quite a nasty one actually. I wasn’t here for it though, Sita was. Luckily our house is on the ‘safe side’ of the dangerous crossing. Anyroad, they took out a chunk of the electricity/telephone pole and now it’s being kept up by the wires. I always thought the poles were to keep the wires in the air, but turns out I had it the wrong way round.

I was feeling pretty guilty at not having achieved anything at all yesterday save for a few blog items so I packed up my camera and mp3 playa and set off for a stroll. I thought I’d check in on the area where I used to live 8/9 years ago, called Tolsa. I was very happy to find my taco shop, Tacos Rafa was still in business. They’ll serve you anything you like as long as it’s Tacos al Pastor in freshly made tortillas. They remembered me and we spent half an hour reminiscing about the good old days. Then their son (also Rafa) came back from work. He was 6 or 7 when I saw him last and he and his brother (Luis) used to hang out with us in the casa internacional. Anyroad it was a grand reunion. And the tacos aren’t half bad neither. They said to come back, even if i wasn’t hungry and I said I’d bring Sita along for them to meet her. Lovely peeps. Here’s their photo:


100_5598I ambled back home via Mondo Cafe in Chapultepec (for one of their famous bucket’o’coffees) then off for farewell drinks for Sarah as she is moving on to better and fulbrighter things in Wisconsin, Belgium and Guatemala if memory serves… Victor y Jana came out ‘n’all and we had a stormin’ evening in the Sacromonte bar replete with veggies and chile, cueritos (soggy pork scratchings) and ceviche (riceless sashimi on a budget/ marinated raw fish) and then some proper food. If you’re reading, Sarah, you’re going to be well missed round here. Don’t be surprised to be hounded to the ends of the earth, or belgium, by skype…


  1. Good to hear things are going well over there. Stuck at work, waiting on a stubborn baby to be born… 😛

  2. Hi Annelise,
    I hope things work out for the stubborn baby and he/she isn’t holding out for the 06/06/06 birthdate.

    I liked your Houston zoo pix on Flickr, glad you get to have the occasional break 😀

    All the best- gwyn

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