Spanish word of the week- Socorro

The importance of learning a second language… or even just a few useful words.

Locals in Toledo, Spain heard an American screaming for “Help” in English and thought he was shouting “Pepe” over and over again. It wasn’t until some multilingual German passers-by heard him that the fire brigade was called and he was fished out of the river Tajo after 3 hours of rope action. He was fine by all accounts afterwards and treated for hypothermia.

Help is “Socorro” just for the record. As in succour. A bummer actually, cos I can’t pronounce my double Rs in Spanish… I’ll probably alternate it with ¡Ayúdame! (Help me!) when I’m stuck down a hole.

Daniel’s gone for the weekend, but according to a search “Fördern” might well be Help! in German. Please don’t sue if it isn’t mind…


  1. I think that in Mexico people will understand you better if you say “Auxilio”; “Socorro” is not very used in common lenguage (maybe in cartoons) and it doesn’t have “RR”. Saludos!

  2. Thanks! Mario, if I end up getting rescued from certain death thanks to using auxilio I'll buy you a pint.

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