Not quite as many people turned up as planned, but all the more for me’n’jose… And there’s more than enough for an arrachera and salsa themed breakfast in half an hour or so… Did a fair amount of recording last night, am trying to find the best way to embed audio in PF’s Blog. Anyroad, as per usual the night descended into plumbing the depths of YouTube where I chanced upon this totally chingón video of Senser in their prime. All together now, check a check it out, check it out, check it check it out, bring it bring it on, bring on, come on, come on!
I met the band on a ferry coming back from France when I was 19 or 20 (12 years ago) and shared a few beers with the lot of them. Kerstin Haigh, the female vocalist had just shaved her head… And I can vouch that they’re all lovely folks.