Prospect Park, Brooklyn

Me and the good doctor finally left Manhattan island for a bit on Sunday. Turns out we’re in the middle of “fall”. I can understand why people would live in Brooklyn. Sunlight gets to the street at times other than midday and they’ve got a lovely park. This here one has had a fair bit of post-processing, I was aiming for a watercoloury, vintage look and am happy with the result.

Bleecker to 54th

Today’s pic (or, rather at my current publication rate… this month’s pic) is one that moves. Unless you’re viewing it in your email inbox… in which case please click here. I stopped at every road crossing and took a quick snap, along the route above, on the way to meet a friend I hadn’t seen since about 1990. Music’s the ever-wonderful Catatonia…

Autumn Sunset

We got to Wolfe’s Neck state park as the sun was setting which made for gorgeous views but had to get back to the car as apparently the park shuts its gates when the sun goes down. And it was cold…

Shiny Sea Dog

Brunswick and Topsham are also connected by this bridge over the Androscoggin River. This is from last week when a day of showers gave way to low mist illuminated by a setting sun, one of those moments when I was glad to have my camera on me.


Jesse gave me a quick tour of the surroundings of Amherst, Massachusetts on Sunday. He’s got a ton of fancy equipment but doesn’t have the same narcissistic urge to share his pics with the internet at large so I can only guess at the outstanding quality of what he shoots. This one’s from Rattlesnake Creek near Leverett. Trees about to turn, bubbling brooks and long exposures made for a bucolic Sunday morning.

Local Nutz $2.49/lb

Not sure what that is in metric, but it seems like a bargain. Let’s do the maths… 2.2lbs in a kilo so… $2.49 x 2.2= $5.48/kilo and today that’s £3.67 in pounds sterling for a kilogram of walnuts and hazelnuts. Is that a good deal?

I’ve not had a comment on this photoblog for weeks so I’m trying to invite interaction…

Cusp of Winter

This is from wandering round Portland’s Arboretum, where they have a fine selection of trees with their Latin names emblazoned on plaques. Though this here photo could really be from anywhere…

I love the smell of Bokeh in the morning

Bokeh in Wikipedia…: Bokeh (derived from Japanese boke, “become blurred or fuzzy”) is a photographic term referring to the appearance of out-of-focus areas in an image produced by a camera lens using a shallow depth of field.

It’s a catch-all term commonly employed in the expression, it’s not blurred, it’s bokeh. This particular shot was just happenstance since I’m buggered if I’m lying facedown on the frozen lawn to take a picture at 7am on a Sunday and happened whilst holding the camera down by my shoes and hoping for the best.

My wheels, yo

I was hanging out in the antiques shops again this afternoon, I saw a load of cameras priced between 15 and 40 bucks and was sorely tempted. I reckon I should take at least another couple of hundred photos with my present cameras before I start adding to the collection. That said, I’m already thinking of trading my digital camera in for one with a higher resolution, because once I’ve cropped to the size of the viewfinder it’s probably only 2 megapixels, max and I’m not sure how they’ll look when printed.