Around Arandas
Pics from last Saturday’s trip to Los Altos de Jalisco. For the record, Siete Leguas’ factory is closed on Saturday afternoons…

City Creek Canyon Trees
Dear jeebus, SLC and its surroundings doesn’t half look pretty in the snow. Just going to the local supermarket to pick up dog food is a joy if you time the sun/weather right… Here’s some trees in a rare second post in the same week. Amazing what can be achieved with an extra hour.
ps. Thanks for the comments at Flickr. I’ll be answering them properly v. soon. Honest

One man and his dog
Soldier Hollow Sheepdog Trials 2011. The weather’s taken a turn for the perfect round here of late. Still practising with the time lapse camera, hopefully should be capturing the horse chestnut tree outside’s transition.

Wasatch Mountains
Haven’t had a portrait-orientation pic for a while… I still can’t quite get over the countryside round these parts. I expected desert, and more desert, and maybe the occasional cactus, but it’s lush- tons of springs, waterfalls, greenery. Very happy with this turn of events. And then after we got back home it started raining, proper thunder-and-lightning, Guadalajara-style rain. This is what Sundays should be like. Did I mention the complete absence of traffic too? Starting to understand why lots of people have told us not to tell the world about SLC…

Las Lozas, Chile
DrSita and Martin’s little slice of the Chilean Andes. Not much good for agriculture (possibly walnuts…) but a presently uncontaminated source of water for the rest of the valley.
In the event of an apocalypse, it’s where we’re heading.

Matatlán, Oaxaca Sunset
Incoming storm clouds provided perfect lightbox conditions for this one. And to the left there was a mezcal factory so this was a full-on sensory overload.
Black and White Barn
I took this one on a wintry walk round our village with me dad a couple of weeks ago. What I liked here was the sun coming from the right, but the shadows on the fence being the other way round because of the way they affected the drift.
I have to be careful what I write here now ‘cos I don’t want to invite comparisons with Ryan from The (US) Office’s brilliant photoblog that truly skewers photoblog descriptions… Favourite bit yet?
It’s possible my subconscious shot this or perhaps I accidentally took the picture without realizing it. Doesn’t matter. In life, there are no accidents. This is proof. How could something “accidental” be so mysteriously striking. And layered. It’s obviously working on at least three levels, but can you see the fourth and fifth? I dare you to try.

Rainbow over Achill Island, Eire
Original title: They’re after me Lucky Charms
Then I decided that was a bit flippant and doesn’t translate culturally outside of the US anyway.
Hoping to start posting properly again here. At least 2 a week. I’d forgotten I had an ‘Elsewhere‘ category so that’ll make it easier to put a few up from our lovely holiday back in the UK and Ireland.
Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm
I don’t have a huge amount to say about this pic that I’ve not already mentioned in my blog or facebook. Suffice to say, Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm is well worth a visit right now.
You can see the whole series on Flickr or over at me poor, semi-abandoned blog.
A slice of the forest
Once I’d climbed the steep side of the Columbia River gorge I considered any photo a bonus. When I got into the cloud/rain level I took this one. It’s not black and white. That’s just the colour of the woods…
Bridge of the Gods
Connecting the states of Oregon and Washington. It’ll cost you a buck each way. This is a shot looking at Oregon from the driving seat. I don’t think it’s illegal to drive and wave a camera about, but it wouldn’t take long to get across the state line in the event of a high speed police chase…

Bridge across the Bokeh
The waterfalls between Portland and The Dalles are connected by an old (by American standards) road with picturesque little bridges.
DrSita’s just crossed one here. The shallow depth of field and blur is deliberate. Honest.

Tryon Walkies
And we’re back! Happy MLK day… This is Atticus leading the way around Tryon State Park on a cold morning (you can see his breath)…
I’m feeling a little delicate today. Here’s a bold start to 2009.
Johnson Creek, SE Portland
A trail following an old railway track that cuts through the South East of Portland.
Looking across the Willamette
Nothing much to say about this one, but what do you reckon to the google map? Worth persevering with?
While backing up this years photos I noticed I hadn’t put this one in my phlog yet. It’s one of a series of waterfalls out down the Washington River way, and is due for a revisit very soon cos it’s been bucketing down of late.