The Fugitive

Taken surreptitiously as I wandered through a very pretty golf course that was 100% free of golfers for a change. Hope they don’t mind the size 11 foot prints across their well-tended putting greens…


There was frost in the garden, and probably if I’d been inclined to go further afield, it was elsewhere too. Couldn’t resist a few pictures… Here’s one 😀

In other news, I’m starting to make navigating this phlog a bit easier. Phase one is an archives page which will display 77 day’s worth of thumbnails for your viewing pleasure.

I love the smell of Bokeh in the morning

Bokeh in Wikipedia…: Bokeh (derived from Japanese boke, “become blurred or fuzzy”) is a photographic term referring to the appearance of out-of-focus areas in an image produced by a camera lens using a shallow depth of field.

It’s a catch-all term commonly employed in the expression, it’s not blurred, it’s bokeh. This particular shot was just happenstance since I’m buggered if I’m lying facedown on the frozen lawn to take a picture at 7am on a Sunday and happened whilst holding the camera down by my shoes and hoping for the best.


While backing up this years photos I noticed I hadn’t put this one in my phlog yet. It’s one of a series of waterfalls out down the Washington River way, and is due for a revisit very soon cos it’s been bucketing down of late.

Peter Kerr Park

If I’d had a tripod I could have tried HDR for this, but as it is I chose to concentrate on the reflection of the sky and underexpose the rest. I like the fringe of autumn trees too… What do you reckon? Comments are welcome, as are ratings.