Thinly-veiled stream of consciousness

It’s been a rum old week of waiting on projects, actually doing them and then not much else save canine-related activities. Actually, Monica’s done a nice job of summing it up over at chilicatinla- mellow weekend. Hopefully this week will be a bit more productive. The heat doesn’t help of course, if you haven’t got anything done by 1pm, you can almost guarantee it won’t get done until the sun disappears around 7pm and things start to cool off. Added to that my trusty laptop started having issues with overheating and took to shutting itself down every 45 minutes or so, so I had to take it to the laptop dry cleaners. It’s now running as well as ever and fair sparkles as the Tapatian sun glints of its keys.

Our coffee maker’s not in such good shape mind, I took it to the fix-everything shop, “Amigo del hogar” in Santa Tere, on Monday they said it’d be ready the next day. I called by and it wasn’t, “but it should be ready for the weekend once we get such and such a part”, then “Don’t call us, we’ll call you”. I pointed out their phone didn’t work anyway. They said they knew that, hence the instructions… Still waiting…

I’ve misplaced my PDA charger so I’m also hardly listening to podcasts at the minute, which is a mixed blessing as I’ve started reading again, Jasper Fford’s The Fourth Bear and Aberystwyth, Mon Amour. Still it shouldn’t be too hard to find a 5V adapter. I’ll wait till I’m halfway through the books I reckon. In other Podcast news, Paul and Judy from Total PodCastrophe got an article on them in their local newspaper which is a great read to learn about the ins and outs of podcasts.

We went to a new restaurant and bar on Friday night, Chez Pierre (Calle Espaa and Mariano Otero or thereabouts, (33) 36152212 ). A very similar menu to Pierrot but with a Las Vegas style decor depicting Paris and itinerant musicians playing sax, piano, accordian and flute (which in German is a Queer Flute, because you play it at a queer angle apparently, thanks Daniel…). Excellent food at an mid-upper end price range. Steaks all round of course. Cheeses are also recommended once again. Then on to a newish club where there was a cover band playing on Ave.Mexico and Americas and lots of 19-year-old CEPE students dressed to the nines and 20 peso beers. Not a bad night all in all.

Victor and Jana are back from Ecuador and have a load of photos with the occasional commentary, looks like they had lots of exercise and easter-related fun. It’ll be nice to catch up with them soon.

Yesterday took us to the Baratillo where I snapped a few photos but otherwise couldn’t find anything worth buying, although we were tempted to go halves on an LCD projector (300 bucks). Monica bought The Prestige which I’ll review some time soonish (dominguera (Sundayish)). Not sure what this shop sells, but judging by the name and logo it’s probably not pleasant:


and here are some others of the type of rubbish you can buy:

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There’re a few websites in the offing, not sure whether they’ll come to fruition though. In the meantime, there’s a few new features in this blog: subscribe by email, Spanish word of the day and a box that displays the headlines from my other spanish language web design blog all either down on the right or for IE6 users, left at the bottom of the blog.

Over the last week Daniel and I managed to get through the entire Christopher Eccleston series of Doctor Who and it’s “arsum” was gripped throughout now I just have to find the latest series. I also got hold of the Decembrists and new Modest Mouse albums, but I’ve not had a chance to listen just yet thanks to the aforementioned PDA situation. (I could listen to them on my lappy, but I can’t listen to stuff with words in while I’m working…).

Me murdering Jaraba de Palo’s La Flaca has reached 2000+ views on YouTube. Weren’t they going to start sharing the ad revenue with uploaders at some point?

Annelise, thanks for your question about Mexican desserts. I’m on it. I have to do a bit of research first then I’ll post all about it. There is definitely a chile infused dark chocolate, but I’ve not seen it round here. They’re available in Trader Joes in the States though, but I don’t know if TJs has made it to Oklahoma yet.

And that’s your bumper lot for now. It’s been an odd week like I say what with trying to come to terms with recent losses and a sporadic project schedule so hopefully posting will return to relative normality this week. Apologies for the disjointed nature of this post (and pretty much all others) however I don’t think I used the word “anyroad” this time and for that we must be grateful.


  1. Anyroad…Thanks, Gwyn! 🙂
    You’ve been with us from the start. And a very real encouragement. Wishing you all the best.
    – Paul & Judy
    Gwyn-“EXCELLENT! V. Impressive, the best produced podcast I’ve heard yet, with tons of grand ideas. And pangolins. Great start, looking forward to more. I’ll be impressed if you can keep up the production standards, mind. It must have taken ages. CHEERS :)”

  2. Ta muchly!
    I don’t think Trader Jo’s has made it to Oklahoma. I’ll ask Brian.
    Great pics as always 🙂

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