Today’s Tweets: 30 November, 2012
Black Friday 2: Electric boogaloo
- Opening day in SLC can’t be busier than Manhattan branch on any day (@ Trader Joes w/ 8 others)
- Yupi- I can drink water again! My Robinson’s Fruit Drink, Apple & Blackcurrant, No Added Sugar, 1-Liter Plastic has shipped
- Robinson’s Fruit Drink, Apple & Blackcurrant, No Added Sugar, 1-Liter Plastic …… via @amazon
- @techiebabe sure i’ll go to the PO today
- @techiebabe you sorted for stamps then? No troubs if need some
- You never forget your first Windows 8. Solitaire looks great. (@ Costco)
- Errands (@ ABRA Auto Body & Glass)
- Love this blog- Today’s why didn’t I think of that is: “Flecha and Fletcher”
- Thanks @fourthirtyam ! I took my DSLR out there too, hope to have a few decent pics once I get a minute to process ‘em