Viernes santo

It’s every bit as quiet as last year. I took Atticus to buy the paper this morning and he didn’t even have any traffic to chase.

Anyroad, I’m going through my photos to enter them in Amour Fou’s “Cortosia de Amour Fou” competition. Rules here in Spanish. For the photography prize the theme is “anything to do with cinema”, and the prize is 2 weeks’ free rentals. So far there are no entries… Anyroad, I’ve been meaning for a while to take some shots around Gwod for a Hitchcock series, illustrating some of his most famous (and easiest to depict photographically) films; I’m looking for:

The Birds – Los Pájaros
Psycho – Psicosis
North by Northwest- Con la muerte en los talones
Vertigo – Vértigo
Strangers on a Train – ¿? Extraos en un tren
Rope – Soga, La
The 39 Steps – 39 escalones, Los
Number Seventeen – Número 17
The Lodger – El inquilino
Rear Window – Ventana indiscreta, La

Some of the Spanish titles don’t quite coincide: North by Northwest = With Death at the Heels… fr’instance.
And I so I’ll probably have a wander tomorrow completing the set. Also, if all goes well this avo I’ll join the throngs for the catholic goings on in San Martin de los Flores.

Watched Adios a Lenin, last night. Sita was initially sceptical as with my accent she thought it was going to be about the Beatles. Turned out to be a very good German film. Meanwhile, Amour Fou is projecting La Vida de Brian tonight, since it’s Easter… A fine choice of film if you ask me.

Also I learnt today it would take 38 odd cups of my favourite caffeine drink, Starbucks Grande Coffee, to kill me thanks to this helpful death-by-caffeine site (thanks StumbleUpon). Mathematicians may care to work out my weight from this. Please do not publish your findings in the comments section.


  1. Anyroad…I am wary of StumbleUpon, since Dan Klass warned of its adictiveness.
    Just checking in, Gwyn.
    Later, dude.

  2. Thanks for checking in Paul 🙂

    Anyroad… I'm very impressed with the podcast production schedule round your way, keep it up! Cheers mate.

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