Walking on the beaches…

So a new high score on Facebook’s PacMan game early Sunday morning shamed me into leaving the house and exploring the locality a bit. Bowdoin gave its new professors a 4 page “what to do and see” round Brunswick manual and one of the places suggested was Wolfe’s Neck State Park. I drove over and it was definitely worth it. It’s just down the coast and has all kinds of paths round the woods and is surrounded by rocky, seaweedy coastline. I was using my 50mm (manual focus) lens and there was lots of nature and the like to snap. I’ve already got my eyes on my christmas present to myself (or if eBay has it cheaper, maybe hallowe’en), this: Pentax SMCP-FA 50mm f/1.4 Lens . It costs more than your average camera, but I reckon it’ll be well worth it.

Anyroad, Wolfe’s Neck was $1.50 per person well spent here’s a photo:

Keep wanting to call it Will's Neck
Keep wanting to call it Will's Neck

We then rented ‘Ne le dis à personne‘ from Bart & Greg’s fine little video shop but the DVD was scratched or something so we watched The Garden, a documentary about a 40 acre allotment in the middle of LA that (Spoiler) gets closed down by greedy landowners and is on one of DrSita’s syllabi. Therein we learnt that polititians suck. There are probably Marxist interpretations too but I missed those. Then we committed a terrible mistake and watched the final of HGTV’s Design Star rather than Mad Men which we’d forgotten was on the other side.

This week, in theory I’ve got a lot of work on. Santa Cruz nutrition e-commerce, new offices for Portland Therapists, finishing up Baked Beans, starting on Maine Latino, & developing a Belgian kitchenware site and finalising a poster for L&C on Southern Discomfort. However all of those are in stasis until I get the next steps confirmed from everyone. I’ll probably work on my new business cards today and update my business blog with recent work and recommendations. And play pacman on facebook.

Sad news about Keith Floyd innit. He was a star. Here’s The Stranglers’ Peaches as a tribute…

(it was the unlikely theme tune to his tv programme)

Also, I cooked yesterday. Without a glass of red in me hand mind. Here’s the results.

Cottage Pie au Fromage
Cottage Pie au Fromage

As usual, needed more salt. But that’s better than needing less, right?

5 comments on “Walking on the beaches…

  1. was that really the theme song for keith floyd?
    its a kicking song… no matter what type of peaches you are looking at..

  2. Sabias que en la España de los 80’s el PacMan se llamaba “Comecocos”? chido nombre…

    Este fin de semana haremos un mini fototour (mini por que solo vamos 5 flickeros) a San Sebastian del Oeste, ya te platicare…


  3. ¡Quiero ir también!

    Pos, sáquenle muchas fotos, échales un picnicazo y súbelas pa que las admiremos!

    Saludos a la ange y al bolo

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