What is a Gravatar?

When you comment on this blog (any many others) it displays a little personal graphic (avatar if you will) next to your comment. If you’ve signed up for a Gravatar then the blog will recognise your email address and display the Gravatar you uploaded. If you haven’t signed up for one you just get the default picture, Atticus looking forlorn with the legend “I need a Gravatar”… Out of the dozens of commentators in this blog only César (AWOL) and I have signed up though…
- Get yourself a gravatar at: http://en.gravatar.com/
- Enter your email address, check your inbox, click on the confirm link
- Choose a nickname, password etc, enter your details…
- Click “Add an image by clicking here”
- Choose where you want to add the pic from (My computer probably)
- Upload and crop your gravatar
- You’re done.
Ah go on, personalise yer comments