Where to start
Just working out how to change the name servers for AgaveWeb.com then I´ll be up and running again and posting like never before…
In the meantime, Laura from Flickr was kind enough to write this brief hagiography for my profile:
playabalandra74 dice:
“Definición de Gwyn: Un Inglés tapatío con estomago de acero que resiste tacos, tortas ahogadas y demás antojitos mexicanos, afinicionado fiel a las luchas y magnifico fotógrafo del paisaje rural de Jalisco.
Gracias por mostrarnos lo nuestro desde tu muy particular punto de vista atravéz de tus fotos :D”
“Definition of Gwyn: A Tapatian Englishman with a stomach of steel that can resist tacos, tortas ahogadas and all the other Mexican snacks, a fan of lucha libre and a magnificent photographer of the rural Jaliscan landscape.
Thanks for showing us our country from your special point of view through your photos :D”