Whiskers on kittens, brown paper packages, Spanish words…

There’s a site that’s looking to find the most beautiful word in Spanish. I’ve got several for the list, which, while maybe not beautiful, are lyrical and pleasing in other ways. Here are a few of my faves. Spanish is such a great language, especially the Mexican variety.

Huitlacoche — it’s a black fungus that grows in maize that is specially harvested for pricey tacos/ quesadillas

Esperpéntico- An adjective that roughly equates to grotesque in English. It’s all about holding up a deformed mirror to society and describing the distorted view in order to better criticise it I came across it in my undergrad degree course in 20th century Spanish theatre.

Pendejadas- Acts performed by a pendejo (idiot/wanker/fool). Stupidities.

Olvidarse- In Spanish you can absolve yourself completely of guilt when you forget things. ‘Se me olvidaron mis llaves” is a common way of saying ‘I forgot my keys’, and literally translated means ‘My keys forgot themselves at me’. Brilliant!

Antojitos- Mexican (bar) snacks. Antojo is a wish, antojitos, little wishes, or things you just fancy nibbling. I’m fond of pretty much any word with the diminutive ‘ito” ending. Guerita, guapita, casita, abuelita, chiquitito, cosquillita.

To turn a noun into an assault/ explosion/ crash you tend to shove —azo on the end. So you get: bancazo- bank robbery, avionazo- a plane crash, and tequilazo- a night of binge drinking that did you no good at all, or the economic crisis when agave prices went through the floor. Fun for all the family.

Ajijic, Jocotepec, Zapopan, Tlaquepaque, – local places with names more colourful than Taunton, or Downey for example…

In French my favourite’s pamplemousse (grapefruit) and in English, it’s a toss-up between ‘arse’ and serendipitous. If you fancy sharing yours comment away 🙂


  1. My favorite English word has always been “chondricthyes” – just because I liked saying it in 7th grade bio class. It’s a classification of sharks.

  2. And there’s me almost unable to pronounce it and you were 10 or so… kon-drick-ites?

    Fave word from teenaged biology classes: mastication without a doubt. Just for the smut factor.

    How’s it going, Amy? Do you have Skype yet? It’s be grand to hear from you 🙂

  3. Pronounced kond-drick-thees. It was especially the “thees” part I liked to say.

    I don’t have Skype yet – must look into it, but I’m such a luddite (another good word)! lots of love to you and Sita!

  4. I had to look that one up, Vuarnet, I'll try to work it into my conversation tonight. ¿Por qué no vas a ver si ya puso la marrana? seems like a fine phrase to gain friends and influence people 😉

  5. Hi Gwyn,
    Not surprised at the “ito” endings like Sarita, Juanito, Gwynito etc.
    I like mariposa cos it’s not at all like butterfly, and is soft and fluid.
    love Mum

  6. Allo mum and dad,
    And today I learnt a new one I'm fond of whilst reading Muy Interesante in the Immigration Office: libélula – dragonfly. Very graceful. And it can move at 500 km per hour. If it chose to. Or something like that…

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