Who knew…

… that peanuts grow underground? And in agave fields no less…


Am a bit knackered now, I also took about 200 photos of jimadores, if I gather up the energy I´ll write about them, I also recorded the conversations I had with them hopefully for a video spectacular coming soon!

7 comments on “Who knew…

  1. I knew that. For reasons that are unclear to me, most American middle school students have to learn about George Washington Carver and his thousands of uses of the peanut. It is up there with the cotton gin in middle school historical importance.

  2. Suitably chastised from all quarters… Apparently everyone knew where peanuts came from. I’ll not be parading my ignorance for all to see any time soon in these pages.

  3. wow! yo tampoco sabía!!!

    aunque tampoco creía que se dieran en árboles… creo que nunca me pregunté de dónde venían! jajaja

  4. It’s not really a nut, you know. It’s a legume. If you were married to Vance, you would have known that too. And if you come to VA we will take you out for peanut soup and peanut pie. Yum.

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