X-country Sita

X-country Sita

Snapped at Feb 24, 2018 @ 15:32 right here:

The ‘Normal’ filter was employed for maximum hipsterisation.

At time of publishing it’s garnered likes, likes.


  1. Looking good- skiers AND the snow/track.
    Have my x-c skis and boots ready at short notice, but no snow anywhere reasonably accessible.
    However Jen is coming back tomorrow by train, rather than flying- reckons too much chance of flight disruption on Tuesday.
    Had a great morning orienteering at Hound Tor on Dartmoor. Dry and most of the bogs had an ice crust. Temperature about zero, and with wind-chill it felt much colder.

  2. ‘New’ photos of my first season with lightweight mountain skis. Have had good value from them in UK and continent.

  3. Wow Dad! That’s a higher centre of gravity than I’d try whilst hiking… And that’s Mr. Miller I believe…


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