You’ve done the fototour, now buy the T-Shirt…

Flickero T-shirt

I’m looking into more local options, but I reckon this looks rather nice on a T-Shirt… CafePress want to charge 5 bucks p&p (or s&h as they say in gringolandia) but I’m sure I can do better than that in Santa Tere…

Yesterday I went to see Hollywoodland with young Sita, and there’s some new brief reviews over on the film review page and then Chili’s for supper. You’d think an American chain restaurant impersonating Mexican cuisine wouldn’t do too well here. Wrong. It’s all about the PORTIONS. I still feel vaguely full.

Lots of traffic arriving at this blog searching for “300 Sparta animated gifs” … I hate to disappoint so Pssst here’s one

Monica and “OC” D are heading back to the Bay Area tomorrow to fill up on ethnic food before May’s constant stream of visitors. And I think we’re heading to Tequila. Someone comment tomorrow at around 11am GDL time to remind me to pick up the photos on the way out. Many thanks…

One Comment

  1. As you may have seen, I made another logo but I think I like yours better. Although I could spend more time on it. Maybe add the word “Guadalajara” on the camera as the brand name and change flickreros back to flickeros, which some seem to like better. I’m just playing. Enjoy your trip to gringolandia. And thanks again for setting up and semi-hosting the Flickr tour. Great fun.

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