Zahra cabañas, Tulum
Not as windy as it sounds… similarly low-res video of Sita, Dad and dolphins coming soon. Off to Ajijic today. I think.
Not as windy as it sounds… similarly low-res video of Sita, Dad and dolphins coming soon. Off to Ajijic today. I think.
On the church clock, usually the apostles come out every 3 hours. For Christmas they swapped the apostolitos with nativity figures and played Jingle Bells. Couldn’t be any more christmassy than that. Doing grand, enjoying the holiday. We went round Jose’s family for Xmas dinner last night. Very laid back and fun. Life is good. Merry Christmas Y’all
… although the unicode lettering of all the entries is buggered up and I´ve no idea how to search and replace weird accents on a MySQL database. That´s my next project…
Never mind, it´s not like people read the archives anyway.
So what a weekend, Meg, Matt, Matera, Bowling, Pool, Sexual Diversity Parade, “Clubbing”, Tequila, tequila and even Lucha Libre. Then spectacular thunderstorms, power cuts and blog outages then last night Monica and OCD´s farewell gathering (they´re off on Thursday at the crack of dawn). I´ve got lots to catch up on but at least the heat should no longer be an issue… I´m wearing a long sleeved t-shirt today for the first time in 8 months you´ll be delighted to hear.
I reckon I barely, if ever, watch TV these days. Really just in the mornings with MTV or VH1 on just to see what LatinAmerican whippersnappers are listening to and to have some background noise. So today I bit the bullet and rang up MegaCable to cancel it. They wouldn’t let me do that over the phone so I had to go to the local branch in the rain to do it… Even then it’s not 100% easy, they asked why I was cancelling the service and I explained because I don’t watch TV, then they asked me to rate the service I’d received out of 10. Eight I said, feeling generous and thinking the questionnaire was over. The next question: What would Megacable have to do to make it a 10? I thought quickly and said well you say you offer 64 channels in the basic package, but one of them just seems to be some nonagenarian nun spouting religious nonsense 24-7 and that really shouldn’t count as one of the 64. Whether there was a box to tick for that or not, I’m not sure, but anyroad, to cut a short story shorter I’m now cableless and I’ve been home for nearly 7 minutes without wondering where Hulk Hogan will take his family next or whether Bonnaduce’s been Broken or not. YouTube, prepare yourself for some higher bandwidth charges…
Ana invited me over for lunch today, she’s a professor working with Sita on all manner of Agave/Tequila related issues so we had a lovely lunch and I got her blog up and running. Spanish-Speaking, Agave-lovers, click here… Next up is cast an eye over a proposal for a Jalisciense cultural activities/cinema type thing webpage and see if it’s doable, then off Chapultepec way to spread glad tidings in the Cala household. Cheers, me dears…
There was a “here comes the science” explanation of the algorythm used to calculate this, but I just kept clicking around the site trying to find out where I can redeem this voucher.
My blog is worth $1,693.62.
No, not the economy.
I got fed up with not being able to watch On Demand offerings on cable last night so I finally gave up thinking ‘it’s probably just snow on the lines, or flooding, or high winds, or volcanic/seismic activity’ and phoned Comcast to sort it out. 40 minutes of classical music later, I hung up before my mobile phone died. Then I tried email. Today I got a reply suggesting using their ‘live chat’ . Click on the ‘more’ link or whatever it’s called if you’d like to read the conversation between John.Michael.37920 and Ms. Fisher in its entirety. Basically I’m waiting the proposed 15-30 minutes now and thought posting about Comcast would help pass the time.
Last night we ordered some Mexican food from the local El Salvadorian restaurant (I know…), and since the line was bad and there was a lot of background noise, rather than spending the usual 5 minutes spelling gwyn, I gave my name as Paco. Unfortunately this led to even more confusion and thus we ended up with Tacos de carne asada rather than burritos.
I’d like to say more has been happening of note but not really. Lots of work. Lots of walking the dog. A fair bit of reading. Countless hours on the internets… Half my family appeared in Taunton’s Gazette last week. That was probably the highlight… Doesn’t he look happy? I think I inherited the “Yay-It’s-snow!” gene…
Ah well, I’m off to check if I can watch The Soup on demand yet. If not I’ll be live chatting again for a substantial chunk of this morning.
Read More “Desperate times, desperate measures – Comcast error SRM 8001”
Ever eager to boost the number of pueblos mágicos we’ve visited, we’re off to Patzcuaro this weekend. Allegedly about 3 hours away and “hidden high in the mountains of Michoacán” if Wikipedia’s to be believed. It’s a bank holiday on Monday… Día de la Constitución or somesuch.. Jana and Victor know a grand place to stay so there’ll be six of us living it up there. Good times…
The weather here’s taken a turn for the nippy. It even rained yesterday. Not part of the plan at all. Anyroad, today the idea today is get some lesson planning done for tomorrow and maybe go to the torture exhibition if it’s still on.
Also I’m enjoying the music of this young lady found via Pat’s blog in Providencia, Guanatos, Jalisco, Mexico.
Have a photo of Las Cabaas in central Gwod. Used to be a hospice, y’know…