All Atticus, all the time.

In honour of getting our little black dog back from his holidays there’s a new item in the menu on the top right. Presenting “Cusify”. Click it to have all the images on the page replaced with random ones of Atticus. And then see if you can tell the difference…

Here are some sample images which start off not being of the dog.

pumpkins 19sunsetcave 114_1910 16ripples

You can also drag that link to your bookmarks and click it when you’re on any page at all. An image search for squirrels f’rexample.

(nicked and adapted from the Kittenifier)

Atticus in the park

It’s supremely difficult juggling an expensive digital camera, a vintage Kodak Duaflex IV and a hyper-active, squirrel-crazed schipperke. However, occasionally he does stand still and lets me take a shot like this.