10,024 items / 54,505 views

I just passed the 10,000 photos mark on Flickr. Here’s photo #10,000 from Guanatos Gwyn’s Flickrstream…


It’s from last Sunday morning’s impromptu Flickrtour in Guadalajara looking at the architecture of GDL’s own Luis Barragán in the Chapultepec area. Here’s the full set. I’d have rigged #10,000 to be a bit more interesting had I known… but I’ve uploaded worse and no mistake.

Day 4, involved the Tianguis Cultural, El Rincon de los Becerra where José got his mobile phone nicked/misplaced and a well nice birthday/bienvenido/it´s a Saturday party round Karla´s new mansion.
I spent the night at Amour Fou and headed straight for the Flickrtour a few hours later…

Day 5, Flickrtour, Chelas, Siesta, Pozole, Lucha Libre!, La Cava…

Anyway, many thanks to my 157 contacts, 52 friends and 2 family members and all of you who’ve encouraged my amateur photo shennanigans along the way with your comments, testimonials and kind words. Life would not be the same without Flickr, I’ve met so many great people and spend a good while every day enjoying their photography. Here’s to the next 10,000. Cheers!

Here is my “most interesting” set, and here’s the least interesting. Flickr’s the most fun $24.95 can buy… Enjoy!