This is what was keeping me awake last night.

Am now officially knackered after my 3am drain unblocking, computer unplugging, sandwich eating antics last night… Couldn’t sleep even with gentle music in my earphones and my eyes covered by the sheets… So apparently, the rainy season has started…

5 comments on “This is what was keeping me awake last night.

  1. Cool. I wish it was! 🙂 A/C by end of week, hopefully. Keep cool. Gwynn. Take care, dude. Must…keep…going…podcast…soon.

  2. You’re living the dream there Paul! 1 summer in Western Massachusetts was enough to convince me that A/C-less New England’s not for me… Congrats on your mad light engineering skillz : )

  3. muy impresivos, con relampagos y trueno……
    Just don’t try the Ben Franklin jobby and stick to wrireless networking…

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