Off to Tequila maana

Not feeling at all inspired for bloggery of late. Not even the What I Had For Breakfast type posts (Leftover pizza, pepperoni / hawaiian, for the record). Right now I’m designing/printing fliers for the web designery to try a bit of door-to-door sales drummingupping. I was going to start today but I forgot to have a shower & shave and don’t think if I turn up unannounced at people’s businesses I’d inspire too much confidence. So that can wait till Friday mayhaps, cos tomorrow we’re going to Tequila again. I’m hoping for lots of rain clouds to provide a different perspective from the last cloudless photos I took.

Tonight, I’m being taken (against my wishes) to the cinema to watch the lastest Jennifer Anniston travesty. Wish me luck… Normal service, etc, etc… soonish : )

2 comments on “Off to Tequila maana

  1. Hi Gwyn,
    Ya esta la pelicula Nacho Libre en GDL? Ya fuiste a verla? Hace unos dias se estreno aqui en SD y fuimos a verla.. me acorde de ti porque te gusta la lucha libre… yo creo que te va a gustar, muy simple pero esta bien para pasar un rato divertido. =) Looking forward to reading your review on Nacho Libre if you go see it..

  2. Hola Cuquis,
    Todavia no está. Lastima porque podríamos ir a verla hoy en vez de “The Break Up“… casí siempre me gustan las cosas que hace Jack Black (School of Rock, High Fidelity, King Kong, etc). En cuanto salga en los cines o el Mercado de Abastos la veré. Gracias por la recomendación,


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