All the news that fits

I’ve been posting about some of my latest projects over at in the hope of drumming up some business and lending a bit more colour to the CVs I’m sending out to temp companies.

Other than that, it’s been pretty quiet this side of the pond/Rio Grande. It was frosty this morning and has since given way to glorious sunshine. I can see it through the little window in my underground bunker… I nipped out to the park yesterday with the PenDak Chimera and took a few longer exposure shots. I think I’d need some kind of retort stand to properly keep everything still enough for anything longer than 1/5th of a second, but I liked this one…


The next step is learning how to focus more ‘into’ the image, rather than on the border and dust particles. I might have to re-engineer the cardboard and I’m guessing there’ll be something to do with the aperture too.

Sally & Martin arrive tomorrow night. Driving from LA to here in 2 days is quite a trek.

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and a quick way to put a couple of thousand miles on the odometer. So we’re thinking of things to do (expect yet more waterfall pictures…) and where/what to eat.

Judging from the pageview stats, no one cares in the slightest about my lifestream… I’m not taking it personally, FSM knows I’m happy enough you keep coming back to read this nonsense. But give it a go, cos if this page hasn’t been updated there might well be something of interest over there. There’s a distinct bias towards photography tutorials and flickr activity, but once I find out how to put my reddit faves in there as well, there’ll be a lot of good stuff.

I won’t mention it again.

Gwyn’s (For-the-love-of-all-things-holy,-Get-a) LifeStream


One comment on “All the news that fits

  1. Hey, I have a question for you –a friend just sent me this email below–can you suggest a web designer with a soft spot for the horsies who could help her? (I’m assuming you web design types have some sort of network. Sorry if wrong)
    The water in that picture looks very thick.

    I have started this non-profit venture, which is no money for now, but hopefully will be later. Retired service horses- keeping them happy and useful and giving them a dignified end, in a nutshell. Do you know any web-designer types that would do a pro-bono page for us?

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