Anyone know of a dog friendly cabaña in Mazamitla or Tapalpa?

Slowly getting there with me latest ecommerce project… the PHP classes are coming in very hand though I don´t think my code
bares bairs bears close scrutiny… It’s taking up pretty much all of me time though hence the grinding to a halt of blogging this week after an auspicious start. Hey ho.

So it’s Friday so here are some three links to enjoy over the weekend:

Have you seen Cat Face yet? He’s got the body of a cat and the face of cat… There’s 3 episodes that’ll take about 2.5 minutes to look through.

Vector game thingy.

There are two things that one can a director can add to absolutely any movie to make it at least three times better: zombies, and Gary Oldman

Alrighty, back to the artisanal jewellery shop…