Archiving the blog for posterity

100_4582Last night Sita came home knackered from her Tequila class, it was at a world class restaurant and they were watching various tequila infused dishes being prepared and then sampling them. She got a chef’s hat and everthing. Picture coming soon… So we didn’t do the whole music club thing, instead we settled down to Steven Colbert’s unique take on recent news courtesy of bitttorrrent and an early night. If I’ve understood it correctly right now (sat. midday) she’s off tasting cocktails with her class. That can’t be right surely? We’ll see soon enough. She took the camera so I couldn’t go on my photography mission so maybe this afternoon.

Secret IngredientsSo what have I been up to? Well, driving sita to her class, but also watching Steven Fry researching his family’s history in a v. interesting BBC documentary, cooking a gourmet turkey bacon and cheese omelette and archiving my blog for 2004. Who knows? Maybe in the distant future people will wonder what expat Zummerzet folk in the Americas filled their time with in the beginning of the 21st Century and my since blog isn’t cached by google (deliberately) there’ll need to be a printed record. I’ve been reading all about the dread building up to Atticus’s arrival, my old job *shudder*, our doggy’s problematic behaviour at Xmas around Sally and Martin and all kinds of other things. I can’t wait to find out what happened next. To be honest it’s pretty sub-Adrian Mole (he mentions the outside world and other people occasionally) but it’s been a laugh. I’m glad I’m doing this. Anyway, if you’d like a 1.6 meg PDF of 2004’s entries to print out, email or comment me and I’ll send the link. That’s it for now, happy weekend and all that, byee, gwyn

3 comments on “Archiving the blog for posterity

  1. Suggested Maureen Lipman game for playing with gullible Grannies (prompted by the whale in the upper Thames)- play ‘Simon’ with words, give granny in turn, for her to repeat aloud,
    whale oil
    whale oil beef
    whale oil beef hooked
    and watch everyone else crack up.
    Best done with a Zummmerset accent….
    A bit cruel, no?

  2. Hi Gwyn,
    Sue Towmsend could improve A. M. by reading your blog.
    2005 seems a long time ago……
    We like sarita’s new job as jefe extraordinaria de cocina,
    love Mum xxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Hi Dad, I think Rhid’s northern accent’d be best for that particular one. And for the record, I’ve seen Nanny come up with worse than that on the scrabble board perfectly po-faced. Bless…

    And ta Mum, sita’s knocking up cilantro potatos following her masterclass this morning right now. She’s not wearing her hat though, mind… And maybe 2005 seems a while ago because you’re reading 2004’s 🙂 Hope you had fun with the male voice choir or marching penguins skype yas tomorrow, cheers- g

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