
I’d never seen one of these road signs before, seems like it could do a fair bit of damage to your car if you rolled over it at night. It was in a part of town with very little traffic, near Clackamas Correctional Centre, for the record.

I’ve been playing too much late night scrabble lately. I look at this and mentally I’m thinking, hmmm. STOP, POTS, OPTS, TOPS, SPOT, POST… they’re all worth 6pts, but should I use up my S on something so low scoring?…

I love the smell of Bokeh in the morning

Bokeh in Wikipedia…: Bokeh (derived from Japanese boke, “become blurred or fuzzy”) is a photographic term referring to the appearance of out-of-focus areas in an image produced by a camera lens using a shallow depth of field.

It’s a catch-all term commonly employed in the expression, it’s not blurred, it’s bokeh. This particular shot was just happenstance since I’m buggered if I’m lying facedown on the frozen lawn to take a picture at 7am on a Sunday and happened whilst holding the camera down by my shoes and hoping for the best.

Theys me daps mind

Me daps are falling apart and no longer providing the comfort and style onlookers have come to expect so we nipped out today to Ross (Dress for Less) to get some new footwear. Footware? No. Footwear. Anyroad, on the way back we stopped at Albertsons to pick up some essentials and there was turkey bowling in full swing.

I’m sure I don’t need to elaborate as everyone’s certainly au fait with the minutiae of the sport, but just in case… It was basically a way of collecting phone numbers and trying to get people to sign up for banking. Imagine skittles but instead of a ball, a frozen turkey (in a plastic bag), instead of 9 pins, 10, and instead of a skittle alley in some frozen outpost of a local pub, you’ve got a supermarket aisle with rolls of kitchen towels as buffers. I got 2 strikes and 1 gutterball (Butterball?) and won nothing but did better than the old couple before me who risked their health and well-being for an Albertsons T-Shirt. I’d left me camera in the car I’m afraid so no pictures…

Last night I was coerced into attending a Project Runway Party. Couple of points. A runway in the US is more likely to mean a catwalk than a landing strip. And Project Runway is an American programme in its 4th season or so where designers are deprived of sleep for a few weeks and then bullied by a bunch of European fashionistas into designing and making clothes in some pseudo-darwinian battle of who can sew the fastest. I can usually stomach about 10 minutes. Anyroad, last night some colleagues of DrSita organised this party. Everyone was split up into teams of 2 and then sent off to the charity shop to buy 5 dollars’ worth of materials then put together an outfit themed “Presidential Inauguration 2008” in 20 minutes. I refused point blank to take part. Or be a judge. But found a nice little dive bar near the house while everyone shopped. Yeah, I’m an aguafiestas, but that’s how I roll. I don’t do dressing up or public speaking. It says as much on my CV. In true Portland style, everyone won.

This morning it were gorgeous, fog slowly lifting, heavy dew, a nip in the air. So I took a few pictures and am quite please with this one which’ll probably be tomorrow’s post for me photoblog. (sign up to be emailed a daily e-slice of Portland here.)

Mornin' Dew
I love the smell of bokeh in the morning

I’ve got it as my screensaver at the minute, please help yourself.

And that is the news.


While backing up this years photos I noticed I hadn’t put this one in my phlog yet. It’s one of a series of waterfalls out down the Washington River way, and is due for a revisit very soon cos it’s been bucketing down of late.

Dia de los muertos 2008

This photo’s from November 2nd or thereabouts. I’ve not had a chance to go out and take new pictures in the last few days. Things have suddenly got very busy. I shall try and keep this blog going again but I’m going to take the weekend off. Hopefully very soon I’ll be trying to fit pictures of Seattle into the carefully made categories of this here phlog.

Also watch out for the about pages which now feature ads for Duaflex cameras… Have a great weekend, I’ll post again on Monday.

My wheels, yo

I was hanging out in the antiques shops again this afternoon, I saw a load of cameras priced between 15 and 40 bucks and was sorely tempted. I reckon I should take at least another couple of hundred photos with my present cameras before I start adding to the collection. That said, I’m already thinking of trading my digital camera in for one with a higher resolution, because once I’ve cropped to the size of the viewfinder it’s probably only 2 megapixels, max and I’m not sure how they’ll look when printed.


“Dipsacus is a genus of flowering plant in the family Dipsacaceae. The members of this genus are known as teasel or teazel or teazle.” says Wikipedia. I’d just like to add Teasle to the list of accepted spellings.

Peter Kerr Park

If I’d had a tripod I could have tried HDR for this, but as it is I chose to concentrate on the reflection of the sky and underexpose the rest. I like the fringe of autumn trees too… What do you reckon? Comments are welcome, as are ratings.

Shoots and leaves

One of my first Through the Viewfinder shots, taken just outside my front door. We’re having one of the dryest autumns on record in Oregon leading to a gorgeous selection of turning trees.