So along with the sunshine, Monica and Daniel left Guadalajara this morning at some point or another, we slept through the exodus. They took us out to the La Loteria cantina and the I Latina last night for a superlative send off. It’s been grand having them around. Some of many highlights include trips to Michoacan, watching entire seasons of TV programs, washing the dog, German/Mexican cuisine, more new restaurants than you can shake a fork at, Chacala, Spanish lessons in Starbucks and bars, Sanjuaneando, craft buying frenzies, accidental furniture shopping in the Baratillo, Lucha Libre, Tequila and lots more… Happy trails, Monica and OD!
… although the unicode lettering of all the entries is buggered up and I´ve no idea how to search and replace weird accents on a MySQL database. That´s my next project…
Never mind, it´s not like people read the archives anyway.
So what a weekend, Meg, Matt, Matera, Bowling, Pool, Sexual Diversity Parade, “Clubbing”, Tequila, tequila and even Lucha Libre. Then spectacular thunderstorms, power cuts and blog outages then last night Monica and OCD´s farewell gathering (they´re off on Thursday at the crack of dawn). I´ve got lots to catch up on but at least the heat should no longer be an issue… I´m wearing a long sleeved t-shirt today for the first time in 8 months you´ll be delighted to hear.
Meanwhile, in Gwod, we fit A LOT into yesterday. Flickr more or less sums up the first part. Part II was going out at 11h30 pm just like all the hip young Tapatians ready to party, but finding the music a bit too loud and settling for a night in playing Jenga and eating chocolate biscuits.
Matt’s permanently surprised with the number of cars that A) he’s never heard of and B) are allowed to circulate on the roads…
Stop whatever you’re doing and click on the flash video player thing above… Doesn’t lose its magic no matter how many times you play it.
Other news: Just removed Larsen B ice shelf from our fridgefreezer and what with the drizzle and half a metric ton of ice in the front garden, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
I have to say that I haven’t, but at least 900,000 Brits per year have according to this spurious report (in Spanish). That’s why, if you ever move to Mexico, pick yourself up a pay-as-you-go phone from OXXO or similar for about 20 quid (40 bucks) and buy fichas (credit) every now and again to keep it juiced. They’re sturdy, have a long battery life, come with Snake preinstalled and once you work out how to turn off Spanish predictive text you’re laughing.
So of late there’s been a bit too much navel gazing going on so this post is an attempt to redress the balance by sharing some links away from the agaveweb empire…
I really enjoyed this article on 10 common photography mistakes. Most of them are pretty self evident but when driven home with good examples it’ll make you think before your next trip out with a camera. Next time I’m in an agave field (Saturday, I think), I’m going to try a fair few shots lying on my stomach… Also found some good advice for taking group shots.
So what else is going on round Garibaldi way, well I’ve been slaving over a hot computer, luckily this time not mine but Meghan’s. It was suffering from being about 2 years old and needing declogging. I got meself a bottle of tequila and some lovely furniture from Tonala for my troubles. And now it’s behaving itself slightly better…
And that’s about it. Daniel’s just finished cooking some kind of pasta affair so we’re off to devour that. May blog a bit later though this evening I threatened to put the Shaun of the Dead DVD on. British comedy at its best. But not for everyone apparently. Hot Fuzz was fantastic too.
…properly last night. Thunder and see-it-with-you-eyes-shut lightning woke me up at around 3 am. I went downstairs to check on Atticus but Sally beat me to it (he was fine). I couldn’t get back to sleep after that, but on the plus side, I got to see Legally Blonde on the telly again, and The Mummy. I think I dropped off for 10 minutes or so and then at 6:30ish took Sally and Martin to the airport. It stopped raining soon after and we had one of the freshest, nicest mornings in a long time. If memory serves me correctly we’re probably due for another cloudburst tonight. Just checked me blog, it’s almost exactly the same day as last year that the rains came, who’d’ve thunk it?
Anyroad, have some feel-the-freshness pix from the jardín this morning:
Yesterday we took M & S to tequila, while they went on the obligatory Cofradia tequila factory tour, I drove off to a few tiny little villages and headed into the fields to capture a bit more of the agavero landscape. Here’re me faves:
Not sure I ever mentioned that we’re having an article published in a US journal on food and drink, Sita’s words and my pix. Go Team Tequila!
… a freelance gardener showed up in the nick of time and made our 3m x 10m stretch of prime agricultural land look more than half decent. He even managed not to mangle our agaves when he strimmed the lawn, which is something of a first for hired help. Maybe it’s because they’re starting to look a bit fiercer, we’re a mere 6 years from harvesting it to roast, pulp, ferment and distill into the finest tequila Calle Garibaldi’s ever produced. He also knew what he was doing when he took on our nispero tree (if that’s what it is…) which now cuts a fine figure and decorates rather than ominously looms over the yard. Atticus, needless to say, is loving it. Back in Downey California, he was all about running round and round and creating canine crop circles. Now he’s adapted to a straight line which he runs down, executes a perfect leap into the wall and launches himself back along the line Olympic swimmer style, hence the new trench all along the wall. Maybe he’s trying to communicate with aliens in binary…
Sally and Martin arrived Thursday afternoon with no problems at all and a suitcase stuffed with gourmet goods such as Irish Mature Cheddar and California Zinfandel along with half a metric ton of doggy treats. The reunion was as joyful as you like and we dined that night at the Santo Coyote, which has recently hiked its prices up, the average meal now costing about 195 pesos. Still excellent food mind. Yesterday we went to San Juan de Dios to shop for watches, craft, fruit and DVDs. Had a coffee in the centre of town. I asked for a mug of café americano and an espresso to put in it to boost it a bit. In a Lost in Translation moment I duly received my espresso and an empty mug to put it in. I’ve no idea what they thought I was planning to do. Maybe they thought I had a special shaped mouth which couldn’t drink from small espresso cups. Anyroad, no worries. Then I had a business meeting of sorts about a website, luxury jewelry for the European market… anyway, part two of the Guadalajara Holy Trinity of restaurants in the evening, El Sacromonte, where the robalo (sea-bass) is highly recommended… Possibly La Matera tonight to complete the trio.
The plan today is to go back to Tequila and not interview anyone for a change. I’m looking forward to it even though we only went three days ago. And then in the afternoon, apparently Michael Moore’s latest film, Sicko, has “leaked” onto the web…
This post needs some photos but I haven’t downloaded the latest yet… but have I mentioned I’ve got A NEW PHOTO BLOG =P
I’ve stopped writing my blog in the mornings and end up writing fairly disjointed missives these days. Apologies. Sometime soon I’ll get back into the swing of things.
First off, check out M & D’s blog. They’re at the beach and if what Monica writes is to be believed, Daniel’s working hard and spouting folk wisdom about sea creatures and Monica’s postponing swimming with dolphins.
Meanwhile in Gwod, we had coffee with Ana and I gave her her computer back and set it up then we went to Tequila for some more interviewing of local bureaucrats. As per usual I had a wander and the resulting photos are shown below. Then in the afternoon, a siesta, Baskin Robbins, oil change and then PHP class. Then the wind blew Sita’s office door shut and locked it and I had a good 30 minutes of trying to open it again so she could get to her computer… A variation on sliding a credit card worked…
That’s all for now. I’m a tad tired and tomorrow’s a big day with Sally and Martin’s arrival. Hasta pronto!
Y todo por no estudiar = And all because I didn’t study
…by whoring out my photoblog and web design page with pay-per-click ads. At this rate I’ll be able to pay for this month’s hosting and a couple of tacos by 2009. I’m really enjoying the photoblog thing- it’s a very self-congratulatory way to spend 10 minutes a day browsing through old photos. Thoroughly recommended though.
So today I took on the inside patio and the cucarachas that have been accumulating of late, did some repotting of my albahaca (basil) plants and tidied up the garden a bit. I printed a “Wanted, Gardener” sign and stuck it to the gate on Friday but there’s been no interest since then so I launched myself at the nispero tree and ripped it down to size mano a arbol and dug over the earth a bit. Once it starts raining properly all bets are off. Things just grow and there’s nowt you can do about it.
I’ve started taking my camera everywhere with me more than ever. Hence photos like the one below…
Who ya gonna call?
unfortunately due to various bureaucratic cock ups I’m not getting paid in time to get the new camera I wanted to order and have Sally and Martin bring on Thursday. Never mind, I reckon there’s still a lot of mileage to get from my point and shoot Kodak model. I’m itching to have a go at making some HDR photos like CasaDeGuadalajara’s been uploading of late on Flickr.
Tomorrow I’m giving Ana back her computer so Jorge has no excuse for not finishing his end of term essays and then we’re off to Tequila once again. Sita’s interviewing local dignatories and I’m probably going to go exploring the agave fields. I’ll have to be back for my PHP class at 5, so no shennanigans are planned…
Other news: Flickr’s just gone multilingual which should boost the number of Tapatian photographers on it. And there’s an interesting thread at VivirGuadalajara where people are going to do a Guadalajara alphabet of photos. I’ll wait till I fully understand the rules before joining in, but that should be nice to check back on. They’re on A at time of writing. There’s a Flickr tour on Sunday, but I think we’ve got other plans. Shame, but there’ll be more…
So, in brief, no PHP today. Yesterday was a little dull, XOR etc relationships with binary numbers. But next week we get into forms and databases so it’ll be fun all the way.
This evening we’re off round a friend’s photography exhibition with wine and cheese which’ll be nice and this avo I think I’m going to try and find the Corpus Christi procession which they’re shutting off half of town for.
Just had a lovely chat with bert who is also rocking the FaceBook which I’m slowly getting into…
What follows is a post from yesterday about my new photo blog that promptly crashed once I started publicising it. I’m still not sure what caused it but after reinstalling all manner of stuff it’s back up and running…
Alrighty, I got my lappy back and it’s been going for 4 hours straight with no crashes. It does, however, sound like a dying lawnmower with the volume on 11. Anyroad, in that time I got a photo blog up and running. I’ve been meaning to do it for a while now and I finally got round to it. The thing with publishing photos in this blog and Flickr is that the pix I post are usually related to recent posts or a recently taken. With this photo blog I can publish stuff I like that’s been out of circulation for a while.
That’s it for now, PHP class in a moment, then dining out with the casa garibaldi crowd and victor and jana. Good times. And I reckon we can’t be more than 24 hours away from rain by now…
PHP class is coming along nicely. I can do sums now…
It’s hard to work up the energy to do much else though, just switching programs on this computer takes a minute or two. I hope my lappy comes home soon and I can get coding and translating again. I’m having a go at making a photo blog which’ll let me post my favourite pics once a day and maybe shoving some google adsense on it to mitigate the hosting costs… but once again having 3 blogs on the same server is playing merry hell with the permalinks and it’s not behaving itself yet. Anyway, it’ll eventually be here:
Plan A for Monica’s birthday was to rent a house from a couple of gringos who are friends of Jana, but at the last minute this fell through because they were going to go to the States for a month but neglected to perform the necessary bureaucratic acrobatics (bureaubatics?) to get a passport for their new baby. I don’t envy them in the slightest, they missed their flights, have to do all the paper and legwork and reorganise their holiday. Meanwhile, we just switched to Plan B which was staying in M & D’s favourite hotel, el Mesón de San Antonio for a couple of bucks extra a night.
Lovely place it is too, a vast patio, fireplaces in each room (already arranged for lighting, matches included), thick walls, cool floors, powerful showers, WI-FI, coffee and breakfast included and all just a hop, skip and a jump from the centre. Highly recommended. However, bring ear plugs just in case a local church is celebrating their saint’s day with regular cannon fire during the night…
We ate in Cha Cha Cha on the first day as the sun set and temperatures returned to a doable level and then I left Sita, Monica and Karina to start the initial stages of a craft buying frenzy and Daniel to his coding. After they came back we chilled in the hotel’s dining area, mellow as you like. Lovely.
Saturday morning we went down to the lake to have some breakfast snacks like Corundas (Michoacán Tamales) and investigate the crafts. From their we delivered Daniel back to his cave to keep on working and went to Tzintzuntzan where we were too early to get in to see the yácatas so just went on a craft frenzy instead. The climax of the spree was when Monica all but signed up to have a 1.5m diameter Aztec calendar table shipped to Tijuana to pick up later. However, somehow reason was restored and the plan came to naught. We still left with a boot full of bargains though.
In the afternoon I went exploring, snapping photos along the way as per usual, then we reconvened in El Boiler, an arty café place and hung out at the hotel all evening with booze and snacks (including Carne Seca, DELICIOUS beef jerky type affair that Karina brought down with her from Chihuahua).
Sunday morning, breakfast next door and a brief sight of the cabrones who’d been letting off celebratory rockets all night along with their colourful retinue. Then a couple more craft shops, because, hey, we’re in Patzcuaro and off home while M, D and K headed for Morelia.
We got a flat tire on the way home, but noticed it 1 block before a tire repair shop. 60 pesos (2 pounds 50p ish) for a repair and we were on our way again through thunderstorms and toll roads to arid, hot Guadalajara. A great way to celebrate Monica’s birthday and no mistake.
She’ll probably weigh in with more detail and photos over at ChiliCatinLA…
Other news… start my PHP course today. And Atticus smells of dog. Barbie Princess Champu time beckons.
The most prestigious is a photo of Tonalá on Wikipedia’s English Tonalá page, and probably the least prestigious would be the “sex shop and mariscos” one over here, it’s also one of me most popular photos. There’re also a few phototour related ones too. There’s a blog using my Victor Jara design to illustrate a post on copyright infringement… Hope Victor’s family aren’t too litiginous…
Anyroad, if you’ve got a Flickr account, check it out.
While roaming around the outer limits of YouTube I came across this pearl. I’ve put the lyrics and a rough and ready translation below (it looks like the live version below messes about a bit with the order of the verses mind). All about Guanatos (the locals’ name for Guadalajara) by a group from Guanatos, singing to people from Guanatos in Guanatos.
piensa todo lo q hay aqui – Think about all the things that are here 100% tapatio es todo lo q tienes q decir – 100% Tapatio is all you have to say, apasionadamente. – passionately
piensa todo lo q hay aqui – Think about all the things that are here 100% tapatio es todo lo q tienes q decir- 100% Tapatio is all you have to say, muy orgullosamente. – very proudly
siente lo q tu tienes aqui – Feel all the things you’ve got here cultura,artesania – culture, craft q le puedes mostrar a todo el mundo – that you can show to everyone y el mariachi si senor – and yes, sir, mariachi (too).
Guanatos de corazon – Guanatos in my heart 100% tapatuyo soy! yeah – I’m 100% tapatio! Yeah! mi cultura en la calle crecio. – My culture grew in the streets.
Las mujeres mas bellas son de aqui – The most beautiful women are from here el clima perfecto – its perfect climate y la juventud esta siempre sonriendo – and always-smiling youth te abrira el corazon- will open up your heart
Guanatos de corazooooooon- Born and bred in Guanatos 100% tapatuyo soy! yeah- I’m 100% tapatio! Yeah! mi cultura en la calle crecio.- My culture grew in the streets.
Guanatooos mi tierra q me vio nacer – Guanatos- the land where I was born Guanatooos el tequila q me vio llorar – Guanatos- where tequila made me cry Guanatooos es mi tierra q me vio nacer- Guanatos- the land where I was born Guanatooos el tequila q me vio llorar- Guanatos- where tequila made me cry
Piensa todo lo q hay aqui – Think about all the things that are here 100% tapatio es todo lo q tieness q decir – 100% Tapatio is all you have to say.
And your Spanish word of the week is a Mexicanism, Naco meaning naff, tacky, of poor taste/ quality, cheap. I’ve a feeling this song qualifies…