Things to do today:

Check whether Lewis and Clark is open :  (it’s not)

Stay Warm: X

Build a 6ft-tall-igloo out of ice and snow in the back garden : 

Click for larger (you have to be a contact of mine on Flickr though)

The final video with the roof and everything will be along soon, quite possibly in Advent Calendar form…

Eyes Removed

I thought this picture from JGG’s photostream deserved a wider audience… and also wanted to test posting from Flickr to the blog in WordPress 2.7. It still doesn’t work right.

Back to school tomorrow :(

Atticus channels his inner huskie (a video experiment, let me know if it works)
The battery in me little camera doesn’t do well at the best of times, but the cold and ‘Cus managed to shut the video down at 45 seconds or so. The bit when it jerks away is when his lead went tight as he tried to maul the sliding car…

I’ve 3 days worth of internet to catch up on cos I’ve either been out with the camera or recovering from being out with the camera.

Photos abound over at Flickr



From the Assistant Dean…

In case you have not heard there is a forecast for the possibility of snow this coming weekend. In case of inclement weather please be sure to check the following sources:

Snow Line 503-768-SNOW (7669)  -OR- 503-768-7965
The College Web Page

SNOW! Bring it on!

The nearest he's been to snow...

(PS. I’m still updating the Advent Calendar…)

New neighbours dropped in overnight

A couple of pix from this morning’s excitement in our street:

That'll be why there was no parking along the street last night
That'll be why there was no parking along the street last night
Hope it fits
Hope it fits

You have 1,001 posts

A Windows into my life
A Windows into my life

This is post One Thousand and One, I’m glad 1000 wasn’t another ‘sorry I haven’t been posting much’ type entry but instead a handy guide to kale and slugs. I only logged in today to post that I’ve added an Archives page to my photoblog and that it was lovely and frosty this morning.

The screenshot will also serve as a reminder of what my desktop looked like in December 2008 with WP 2.6.5. It’s a typical day. I like looking at screenshots of other people’s PCs, just to see what’s installed, what the background is, what OS, what programs are open, what they’ve been searching for… Okay, so I’m as nosey as the next nerd.

Righty, that does it. I’m starting a new meme. Consider yourselves tagged, Flash, Mario and Ale and anyone else who fancies it. Upload a screengrab of your desktop as it is when you read this. Then tell 3 other people to do likewise. Hopefully it will have an infinite cat project feel to it eventually 😀

Happy Millennial Post!

Countdown continued…

Notez bien! You’ll probably need to refresh the page (hit f5) to get the new link everyday… and some days will doubtless be better than others. It’s coming up to day 3 and I’m running out of ideas. Any requests?

Here’s that link again:

Looks like it’s going to be a full week again, once I finish at lewis and clark I’m heading off to localise some more UK English stuff.

Potatoes. It’s what’s for dinner, elevenses, lunch, breakfast, tea, supper


They turned out nice I reckon. As did everything else. We could have fed a small army and their horses but we still made a fair dent in the supplies. And had cake for afters too.

Then we watched “What’s Cooking” (2000) set in the ‘burbs of LA about several families of various ethnic backgrounds and the family drama that unfolds on your average thanksgiving. I’ve seen worse films on a full stomach and at least it was seasonal.

I’m off out

to take some pictures and then promise to write some kind of proper post.

I’ve pondered this before

but it’s ironic (in an Alanis Morisette (sp?) kinda way) how I only have time to update this blog when I’ve been doing nothing, but then a week like this comes along and you get 0 posts despite there being so much news I don’t know where to start.

I’m off to bed…

More pix soon

Plan B for graduation garments
Plan B for graduation garments in Seattle Public Market

Postcard from Seattle

I’m well impressed with Seattle. We had a gorgeous day yesterday and it weren’t raining or nuffink, you could see Mt Rainier and there was lots of atmosphere… we’ve been eating out, trying local microbrews and catching up with Liz and Josh. Hope the pictures turn out alright. You can probably safely skip the hidden Seattle underground tour, but everything else was grand. We’re going to grab some breakfast, go up the Space Needle then home (only 3 hrs drive) to relieve Sudarat of her Atticus-looking-after duties.

Even had Starbucks at 7am this morning for the full experience. Saludos!

Like peeling off a plaster

I wish this thing would go faster.

I can’t stand to watch, but shall have to. It’s a worrying start (4.50pm Pacific)

Going postal

A drop in the ocean

Sita was looking over her ballot forms last night and realised she had a ‘postal vote’. We tried ringing the council to find out what to do but it was closed. Turns out that everyone in Oregon gets a postal vote, so you can fill out the thing in the comfort of your own home, seal the envelope and drop it in a specially provided box down town. You don’t even have to wait till election day. Seems like a very good way of doing things to me.

I have to wonder if anyone got confused with the Ballet Center half a block away. I was about to head off there when I realised it was ‘et’ not ‘ot’.

Obviously, I hope to any deity listening that McCain-Palin are roundly sent packing and that the Califas Gay Marriage laws aren’t repealed. Shall be watching the Daily Show coverage and CNN this evening with DrSita, DrSudarat and DrMichelle. Here’s a post from 4 years ago. Jesse, as far as I know, is still a Massachusetts resident.

Drive-Thru Voting