You have 1,001 posts

A Windows into my life
A Windows into my life

This is post One Thousand and One, I’m glad 1000 wasn’t another ‘sorry I haven’t been posting much’ type entry but instead a handy guide to kale and slugs. I only logged in today to post that I’ve added an Archives page to my photoblog and that it was lovely and frosty this morning.

The screenshot will also serve as a reminder of what my desktop looked like in December 2008 with WP 2.6.5. It’s a typical day. I like looking at screenshots of other people’s PCs, just to see what’s installed, what the background is, what OS, what programs are open, what they’ve been searching for… Okay, so I’m as nosey as the next nerd.

Righty, that does it. I’m starting a new meme. Consider yourselves tagged, Flash, Mario and Ale and anyone else who fancies it. Upload a screengrab of your desktop as it is when you read this. Then tell 3 other people to do likewise. Hopefully it will have an infinite cat project feel to it eventually 😀

Happy Millennial Post!

6 comments on “You have 1,001 posts

  1. Congrats on your 10001 blog, Gwyn. It’s hard enough for us that you are the other side of the world,but your blog has really made a difference to our lives and we feel so much nearer to you and Sarita- and Atticus tambien.
    Viva el blog!
    love Mum

  2. Tarde pero más puntual que Flash y Mario 😉

    Chido que hiciste la tarea, saludos desde PDX de la familia de Atticus!

  3. For amusement I’ve been setting up my web-server-in-the-attic to serve up a screen grab of its own screen every few seconds to anyone who knows the page address. Will let you know when it’s next turned on.

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