Chameleon Cars

A year ago or more I started my “Cars that resemble where they’re parked” Flickr set that then spawned a video and now I’m getting submissions from Jorge, Ana’s son. Which is grand.

Aquí van las fotos de Jorge de carros cameleones por el Parque Metropolitano de GDL:

julio 2007 002

julio 2007 001

Gracias, Jorge!

Other news. Temperatures have finally plunged. Rain’s expected daily and all is right with the meteorological world. Atticus is a bit out of sorts though, I think it’s the drop in atmospheric pressure.

Went to see Inland Empire, David Lynch’s latest from last year, yesterday. But I had to leave after an hour or so cos the cinema was packed, badly air conditioned and I’m not a huge Lynch fan at the best of times. Anyroad, it started off OK for what it’s worth. I’ll catch it on DVD at a later date.

M & D leave for Bucerias today not far from Chacala. Maybe Atticus has picked up on that and is anticipating missing them… And we’ve got a few days to finish off various things before next weekend’s fun with Sally and Martin. So