’s 3 dollar plan

My site’s playing up today, probably best not to submit any comments just in case. My budget web host, Ehostone promise they’re on it…

6 comments on “’s 3 dollar plan

  1. Turns out it's actually the 2 Dollar plan… Anyroad, muchisimas thanks to Cesár who provided unprompted tech support. I clicked a couple of buttons labelled variations on “repair this here database” on the creaking backend of me blog and lo and behold, comments are working again. Viva la interactividad!

  2. Good to se it back to its usual technical quality and artistic standards.

    Views of yesterday’s walk up on Flickr- we’ll have to get in training for jungle/beach existence.
    PS I’ve upped the laptop memory to half-G and deleted some files and it seems to be going fine. May try to show GM the pics of Richard/Lorna’s wedding

  3. Nice pix of the walk, some strange comments there from JG mind… Yoghurt?

    And Richard's high society wedding looks suitably impressive. We reckon he looks like the next James Bond…

  4. Hmpf, these kids today, with their hula hoops, fax machines, fancy GUIs to MySQL. In my time…

    Heh. Glad to see it’s working now. Though now you’re either too busy or your mail is borked. I’m just sayin’ 🙂

    No hurries, of course. Just checking the comm channels, all the recent breakage has me on my toes, not the least my stupid server’s, bouncing back your messages..


  5. hi cesar, contestE tu mail ayer, al parecer no llegO… asi que usemos comentariomail. que tal si paso por tu chamba manana por la manana para intercambiar los regalitos de father christmas y los reyes magos surenos? gracias otra vez, un saludo, gwyn

  6. No llegó, en efecto… qué fastidio.

    Pero enterado. Te envié un mail a gmail esta vez, con los detalles geográficos. Si no te llega pronto, avísame para iniciar un ritual ante mis servers, con una gallina muerta o algo…

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