Gwyn’s Blog- now in glorious widescreen

100_3150Don’t know why I didn’t try this earlier… actually it’s cos I didn’t know you could put percentages in IMG tags, anyroad, not much news today. Saw Harry Potter last night, the cinema was full, not bad for a monday night 8:45 showing. At 2 and half hours it was pretty good value for money; I’m always happy to see what the state of the art in CGI is and anything else (acting, plot, etc) is a bonus.

We went to wander round a part of Guad called Seattle yesterday, gorgeous area. It’s a prosperous village that got swallowed up by the ever-expanding metropolis. They never got round to naming the streets though, so vertical ones are alphabetic and horizontal numeric. The blocks are about 3 times the size of your normal ones. 100_3158Every house has a garden and the streets are cobbled with local volcanic stones. Really tranquill too, tree-lined avenues, little neighbourhood shops, bikes, dogs, birds swooping around and handy for Super WalMart. The latest Flickr photos tagged “seattle” are from there. Today we venture to Zapopan to check in on the Colegio de Jalisco and suchlike.