8 comments on “I like to move in, move in

  1. Happy returns for tomorrow!

    It’s all the same when you’re this sort of age, isn’t it? My 32nd was pleasant (a day of lazing about) but not at all exciting or important.

  2. Cheers, Flash!

    Same kind of thing, but with a different country and different mates. It´s all good, as they say around here. Thanks for the happy returns.

    Querida Myrna, 1-17 😉

    It´s well nice waking up and having so many birthday greetings from the blog, facebook, flickr, skype and even via the Royal Mail. Thanks everyone 😀

  3. happy happy birthday gwyn! hope your day is lovely. do give a call this weekend if you want to get together. i’m driving up this afternoon and should be in town ’til sunday. love, t

  4. ¡¡¡ Gwyn, Feliz, Feliz Cumpleaños !!!

    Mañana haremos un brindis por ti 😀
    Estaremos en casa de Mario a partir de las 7.30 para despedir a Machukita*Aranza*Myna del Santo Niño de la Antorcha 😛

  5. Feliz cumpleaños Gwyn! Desde Guanatos friiita y nublada. Muchas chamba con el cambio de casa, pero tomate un tequilita para celebrar tu cumple, que nosotros lo haremos por aca en el agun bar por ti a tu salud.

    PD. Los carros-camaleon andan muy timidos, ya no hay quien los caze 🙂 Saludos a Sarita y Atticus

  6. Cheers, Tanya, I’m taking it pretty easy this weekend, enjoying not lifting anything heavy. Give us a call if you fancy a sneak preview of the house.

    Gracias Abuela! Un brindis para ti y los Flickreros de Guanatos también!

    Tomé un Patrón Blanco, Ana. Muy buen tequilita, parecido al Don Julio. Ya volverán los carros camaleon cuando suba el calor. Saludos!

  7. sorry i didn’t see you guys this weekend; it got kind of hectic. will be back next weekend if you want to try to get together then… hope you’re enjoying settling into the new place (look forward to seeing it). hugs, t

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