In the wars

Just to follow 10 days of a common cold and a bang on the head on Sunday, last night I experienced one of the worst gastrointestinal traumas I’ve ever had. Truly, truly grim. I’ve been on the Pedialyte (fruit flavoured electrolyte and water concoction) all day and been trying to catch up on sleep, but it was a real shock to the system. The only thing I ate yesterday was tacos from a popular local stand that I trust implicitly, but I’ll not be going back for a while.

I didn’t feel up to working today so I finished season 1 of Arrested Development and watched Nacho Libre properly in between naps. I think I’ll be up all night finishing some fairly urgent projects tonight though…

Other stuff accomplished: I booked me flights to Blighty for December. I was feeling right homesick today, not just for friends and family, but real bread, Ribena/ Robinson’s Black Currant and Apple Juice and the NHS… I also made a fair dent in Neil Gaiman’s ‘Anansi Boys’ between crawling to the bathroom and back a hundred times. Looks like our Morrissey tickets have been purchased for November and also a plan is forming to see Julieta Venegas next week or the week after. Good times…

3 comments on “In the wars

  1. Oh, man…you are having a rough time, Gwyn.
    Hope you are feeling much better soon.
    Say “Hi” to Blighty for us, even though we were just there.
    Homesick for the NHS?!
    Neil Gaiman's 'Anansi Boys' was one of (our son) Zak’s presents last Chrimble.
    I actually have The Sandman comics, like issue 1-60something (possibly more, sitting in boxes). My old project manager, Ed, told me about Sandman.
    Read some of ‘Good Omens’ (not managed to finish it though). Big on Terry Pratchett
    Bedtime books these days are Robert Rankin’s Brentford Trilogy (which is actually 5 books).
    Got those after enjoying “The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies Of The Apocalypse”.
    Didn’t find the first in the Trilogy very funny, but the second one, the one we are on, is much funnier.
    Judy doesn’t recall very much, she’s usually asleep after a couple of pages.
    Kind of odd me putting her to sleep, eh.
    Take care, mate.

  2. What flavour Pedialyte did you get? I tried blackcurrant … then insisted on ribena.
    Shakira is a goddess, that is all. They adore that lady in Trinidad. 🙂

  3. Hi Paul & Annelise,

    Feeling much better now thanks : )

    Have to confess I've read all the Discworld novels and even his books for kids and Good Omens too. I dimly remember reviewing The Light Fantastic for my GCSC English Lit coursework… I think they're planning on making a film of G.O. with Terry Gilliam directing… I read a couple of Rankin's books but didn't love them. Sprout Mask Replica was one and the other could well have been the chocolate bunnies but it was a while ago. I might give them another go one of these days.

    Pedialyte has to be strawberry flavour. I got apple by mistake once and it just wasn't the same. Mmmm, salty fruity goodness…

    And glad to know Shakira counts Trinidad and Tobago as part of her ever expanding empire. She can do no wrong.

    Cheers : D

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