Lazy weekend at last

DSCF7128 Went to visit me cousin Ian in Millbrae. He and Yuri had a baby, William James, in December and this was the first time we’d seen him in person. He was defying all stereotypes by being quiet, smiley and pretty interactive in general. Click on the photo for more poses. It’ll still be a few years yet before sita and I move babywards… you heard it here first.
The car had its brake and battery lights lit on the dashboard on the way home and at one point the electrics cut out, so we stopped in saratoga where they checked the brake fluid and changed the battery. The lights stayed on all the while. It’s behaving fine apart from that… ‘ll have to phone click and clack next saturday.
Today was a marathon washing day and then went exploring Pogonip park with Anarchist/Asparagus/Antichrist/Atticus . There’re a few photos here. I’m feeling distictly brain dead at the minute. Time to watch some telly and fold some clothes. Feels like a very english evening. I half expect songs of praise and last of the summer wine to be on when I reach for the remote.