Arcos del Milenio, Guadalajara
We’re in the middle of moving house right now and deciding the future of this phlog. It’s going to have to be a lot less Mexico and a lot more Alameda from now on… Or should I start another one? Details as and when…
I’m flying back to LA this avo to bring as much of our stuff as possible back to Alameda tomorrow in a Uhaul rental truck thing. Including a certain excitable black doggy that answers to anything from Asparagus to Madthu (sp?). Details of our adventures to follow, probably on Thursday.
Internet is getting plumbed into our house on Friday so we’ll probably move in then. We’re also getting cable. I’m not quite so excited about the whole telly thing though… It’s less a source of entertainment and more a means for US pharmaceutical companies to invade your living space and endlessly advertise cures for such dubious conditions as Restless Leg Syndrome and for hawking SUVs with names like the Ford Behemoth or Jeep Stars and Stripes every 3 minutes…
So I’ve downloaded 8 hoursworth of podcasts to keep me entertained on the road and a few songs for me and the canine to howl along to. If all goes according to plan tomorrow afternoon I’ll be back in the Bay Area unpacking boxes and keeping Siamese cats and schipperkes separated. Wish us luck.
Nuestra casa es su casa
Here’s a few photos from our new abode. So far we’ve bought 3 shelves, two computer desks, a sofa, an armchair, a dining table and are in the process of connecting the house to the interwebs. Once they’re up and running we’ll be moving in. We also met the neighbours who seem a very nice bunch and seem amenable to energetic little black dogs.
Anyroad, we’re off yard saling. A bientot mes amis.
Tapalpa sky
Things are looking up in Tapalpa, Jalisco.
I answered me mails…
… lost a couple of games of boggle and then embarked on a news round up.
Inspired get-out-of-school antics in Mexico .
If we don’t find a place soon, here’s plan B
Watch your screws in Germany.
Complete your American Dream Kit with a Taser/mp3 player
It’s raining. Santa Cruz tomorrow, possibly.
As you were.
¿Adónde vas?
Young indigenous girl wandering round La Bufa in Zacatecas.
Saw another house today…
Here it is, on the second or 1st floor (depending on your cultural background) of the grey house.
It´s not very schipperke friendly and has a less than perfect parking situation but it´s a possibility. Breakfast with T was grand though (Hi T!).
Still no news on the job front, mind. It´ll come together soonish. And today it´s not raining so I might get to go out and find things to photograph. I just shoved some up on Flickr that are the result of me moping in the car while Sita sprang into action and there’re a couple of shots in the tunnel to Alameda with the camera set to “Fireworks”…
Reflected in Lake Patzcuaro
Early morning in Michoacan…
So we’ve seen about 5 apartments/houses since me last post, none of which have met our exacting standards. We’ve more to investigate tomorrow. Er, I’m losing a lot at scrabble. Real life scrabble that is, and am seeking refuge right now in extended Sunday evening DVD viewing (Big Love), which in turn reminded me of this clip from The IT Crowd…
I resolved to blog more for the new year. Not deliver quality posts…
A fern frond unfurling below a Michocan sky.
After the mass procession to the Virgin of Zapopan’s home temple.
Damn it’s cold…
…at least in the UK the sky had the common courtesy not to rain so much. On the plus side I inherited a lovely woolly jumper from me dad and once the central heating kicks in, it’s fair balmy round here. Everyone else couldn’t sleep what with the wind picking up trees and cars and slamming them into each other and new and vibrant waterways opening up in the garden, but a happy side effect of the jetlag is that I was blissfully unaware of it all.
So I updated this blog to the latest version of wordpress and somehow lost all the categories in the process. Arse. And I can’t create new ones because the database is buggered, on top of that I didn’t make a backup since I had tested the process with some of my other installations first with no problems at all. Hey ho. No one every used the categories anyway, but the ‘blogroll’ (stupid name) used to be split into peeps, podcasts and sites I’d made and isn’t anymore.
Plans for today? Translate into English and set it up as a bilingual site, a conference call at 12.30ish, take Big Love Season 2 back to the video emporium, finishing touches to me CV and finally, maybe seek shelter in the cinema and watch “I Am Legend” with Mr. W. Smith. That’s if I can charter a boat to take me down the road to the Grand Lake Theater (sic).
Pitayas (cactus fruit things) won’t be in season for a good few months yet, but it’s so grey and wet outside at the moment in Oakland, California that I needed a bit of colour.