Je ne l’ai pas passe tres bien aujourd’hui

Ca fait beaucoup de temps depuis que j’ecris en francais. Le bon chose c’est qu’on ne peut pas ecrire les accents avec le clavier qwerty que j’utilise. Je crois que quand j’ecris en francais c’est plus comme espanole avec les mots subtitues. Anyroad, Le boulot etait afreux. J’en ai marre. Vraiment. Ah bugger it… i’ll get over it.

link of the day for stateside internauts: is such a useful and technologically impressive site. search for ‘book shops in santa cruz, ca’ and zoom in. marvellous. and you can drag the map around with the mouse. well handy.

Happy Pancake Day

The trick is to put so much sugar on, you can’t taste the 4 different sources of saturated fats…
pancake (12k image)
G’night all…

Marching Band wouldn’t have me (see previous entry)

Thank you and welcome, new guestmappees, Tanya, Brittnie, and Matt. And cheers for the emails, Bethan & Jesse… 44 Gmail invites to go… Get’em while they’re hot.

Sita and the rest of the Monarchs had a resounding victory at basketball last night. Fair play to anyone who’s prepared to do anaerobic physical activity from 9 to 10 pm weekdays. It got a bit heated at times with some refereeing decisions…

Here’s my latest present to meself (I just broke my palm pilot), expect lots of low-res digital photos on this blog v. soon… am REALLY looking forward to this one arriving…

I’m off to try out for marching band…

How to Blog:

14. remember: nobody cares which N*Sync member you are, what State you are, which Party of Five kid you are, or which Weezer song you are. the second you put one of those things on your blog you need to delete your blog and try out for the marching band. similarilly, nobody gives a shit what the weather is like in your town, nobody wants you to change their cursor into a butterfly, nobody wants to vote on whether your blog is hot or not, and nobody gives a rat ass what song youre listening to. write something Real for you, about you, every day.

“50 new Gmail Invites”

If you’re internet obsessed enough to read other people’s blogs you probably have about 3 email addresses already. But if you’re interested in a Gmail account, there’re about to become a lot less exclusive since I now how 50 invites to give away. Add yerself to me guestmap and I’ll email you an invite. You can zoom in on the map if you don’t think there’s enough space…

The mystery of the Californian in Taunton High Street

taunton (17k image)
Grand night at the Poet & Patriot last night. Drank booze and listened to a trio of guitar, guitarron and fiddle, which was well pleasant. A good reminder to have another go at the violinning. anyroad, i’ve been surfing the information superweb again and found a photo sharing site, you can put in a keyword and it will dish up other people’s photos with that tag. So i started with ‘Santa Cruz’ and saw lots of nice photos of beaches and all that, then i tried Taunton (my home town), just on the off chance and lo and behold This bloke’s taken a ton of photos of everything from Virgin Megastore to Bath Place to Hankridge to Vivary Park and it’s the same bloke who has a load of Santa Cruz pictures on the site, Chris Lewis from Davis, California. i thought that was weird. What are the chances of that happening, eh? i left him a message on the site… I have to know what he was doing in Taunton, on his own, with a camera, taking photos of everything, probably for about 4 hours. He must have had his own transport to get to Hankridge, the xmas decorations are up so it’s November/December time, there are photos in the dark, but it probably gets dark around 4:30 and the shops are open (so it’s before 5)… He’s posted every single photo he took so you can look through them and see exactly what he was up to, here he’s gone up the multistorey car park, then he’s taking pix of arthur’s sword in front of the Winch/ Castle. It’s gripping. Anyroad, I like this Flickr site it’s like picking up the wrong set of photos from the developers, only with the other person’s permission. Grand.

Bad Education

Depending on the timing of a meeting next Wednesday I might be doing a 1 minute TV announcement for PAPAS which will take an hour to film. If I’m not available then Miguel might do it instead, we’ll see. Whoever it is will find themselves on local community TV twice a day for the foreseeable future. And since I’m receiving 2 dollars a week (you were right about the higher living expenses, Jesse) to record to my viewing habits, I’ll be able to improve their ratings in return.

Went to see Bad Education last night with Sita. A very good film that (4 Lulus). Click here or in the media box on the right for my full review. I thought Gael Garcia looked like Prince in lots of scenes, and then this bloke turns up who’s the spitting image of Frasier. See below.

Chats with Mum and Nanny this morning. Mum and Dad are having a party with 9 guests or so which is more rock-and-roll than my anything going on my life these days. Their second one in a week, no less. Mum was checking on the parsnips as we talked. Even me Gran has a busier social life, though she’s having a lie in tomorrow because her usual lift to chapel is in Florida. Anyroad, I ran out of phone power but a call to me little sis and Ali is on the cards, i have to thank them for all me birthday pressies- I got the first season of Futurama from them too t’other day. There’s quite a lot on me to-watch list, but I’ve hardly had the chance… Marion & Geoff, Futurama, Director’s Commentary. cos I’m doing this TV rating thing I feel I ought to actually watch real TV for a week or so, but so far i’ve only seen The Antiques Roadshow , 10 minutes of The Apprentice and Jon Stewart. There’s no space to put Harry Hill’s TV Burp. I also have to check in with bert who is starting to get specific about plans for him and his dad coming for a visit in April. Which’d be grand. Also haven’t spokent to Stu and Anne since Jan 17th when they had me on speakerphone in some kind of hand held device which led to all kinds of confusion. They were round giving the 411, as they used to say over here, on their travels in the Orient in slideshow form in to impressed onlookers at me folks house last thursday…

Atticus hasn’t stopped barking since Sita left 2 hours ago to watch a basketball match (game?) in Stanford with Tanya (and to pass by Ikea). Atticus is not in my good books right now. He’s actually in the book entitled “Things that eat toenail clippings, drink from the toilet and puke in our living room”. (Which only gets 1 Lulu). So he’ll be wanting a walk then. Well he’ll have to wait till I’ve tidied the house a bit first and then he can drag me off to the sea.

torrrent site’s back up

it was server problems after all… So that’ll be the Terry Pratchett interview for the journey to work tomorrow.

YouKayNova’s not responding

i’m a little nervous that YouKayNova‘s not returning my internet calls right now. I’ve grown to rely on it for radio programmes on the way to work and back and for the occasional sly telly program. It doesn’t have any torrrents for programs available commercially, and I paid my license fee. way back when. I hope it’s just server problems and it’s not ‘ceasing and desisting’.

MSN’s spanking new search engine has me indexed first on a search for gwyn fisher even without the quotes. Which is nice.

Had a gorgeous walk down by the beach today- fantastic sunset, sizeable waves and sea lion serenades. Sita + Tanya + Atticus also joined in the fun.

I am nerdier than 59% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

It’s the end of the month, that means it’s time for monthly search stats

Bunnies are still the #1 searched for item, but ‘banana slugs’ have fallen 6 places to number 8, maybe cos it’s so easy to find them out in the wild this month. Sita’s googled herself 5 times… same as last month (incidentally, she’s Sita from now on, so potential employers don’t find this page). ‘Collage idle’ is a new one on me, i’m thinking that maybe some country has a “College Idol” program running (like American Idol or Pop Idol) and the audience can’t spell. bunnycam’s gained in popularity, shame it hasn’t been working for 6 months or so now. a “brit of trivia” is also a new entry. did you ever notice i spelled absorption wrong in the title of this blog? well, it’s a deliberate ploy to get traffic from other spelling-challenged internauts. Two hits for schipperke blog… and I hope the people searching for “the photos you’re not supposed to see” weren’t disappointed when they arrived on whatever page they got to. Still waiting for a googlewhack. you’d think ‘schipperke atticus’ would do it, but there’s 127 hits… Anyroad, those numbers in full:

1 20 16.53% bunnies
2 11 9.09% collage idle
3 5 4.13% s*rita gayt*n
4 4 3.31% bunnycam
5 4 3.31% serena.jpg
6 3 2.48% fisher family photos
7 2 1.65% a brit of trivia
8 2 1.65% banana slugs
9 2 1.65% blog gwyn
10 2 1.65% brit of trivia
11 2 1.65% family familia
12 2 1.65% herbivores
13 2 1.65% london pix
14 2 1.65% schipperke blog
15 2 1.65% self absorbtion
16 2 1.65% slugs
17 2 1.65% summary of the novel klepto
18 2 1.65% the photos you’re not supposed to see
19 2 1.65% valerie quandt
20 1 0.83% ‘denise dunning

and 40% of browsers use Firefox. If you’re not using it yet, you’re really missing out. I’d sooner go back to dial-up than IE. Don’t make me choose though…

Other news: Monarchs: 21 Coffeetopia: 29

It’s the end of the month, that means it’s time for monthly search stats

Bunnies are still the #1 searched for item, but ‘banana slugs’ have fallen 6 places to number 8, maybe cos it’s so easy to find them out in the wild this month. Sita’s googled herself 5 times… same as last month (incidentally, she’s Sita from now on, so potential employers don’t find this page). ‘Collage idle’ is a new one on me, i’m thinking that maybe some country has a “College Idol” program running (like American Idol or Pop Idol) and the audience can’t spell. bunnycam’s gained in popularity, shame it hasn’t been working for 6 months or so now. a “brit of trivia” is also a new entry. did you ever notice i spelled absorption wrong in the title of this blog? well, it’s a deliberate ploy to get traffic from other spelling-challenged internauts. Two hits for schipperke blog… and I hope the people searching for “the photos you’re not supposed to see” weren’t disappointed when they arrived on whatever page they got to. Still waiting for a googlewhack. you’d think ‘schipperke atticus’ would do it, but there’s 127 hits… Anyroad, those numbers in full:

1 20 16.53% bunnies
2 11 9.09% collage idle
3 5 4.13% s*rita gayt*n
4 4 3.31% bunnycam
5 4 3.31% serena.jpg
6 3 2.48% fisher family photos
7 2 1.65% a brit of trivia
8 2 1.65% banana slugs
9 2 1.65% blog gwyn
10 2 1.65% brit of trivia
11 2 1.65% family familia
12 2 1.65% herbivores
13 2 1.65% london pix
14 2 1.65% schipperke blog
15 2 1.65% self absorbtion
16 2 1.65% slugs
17 2 1.65% summary of the novel klepto
18 2 1.65% the photos you’re not supposed to see
19 2 1.65% valerie quandt
20 1 0.83% ‘denise dunning

and 40% of browsers use Firefox. If you’re not using it yet, you’re really missing out. I’d sooner go back to dial-up than IE. Don’t make me choose though…


I was listening to The Adam and Joe Show on XFM which I burnt for myself off of and it got me all homesick again. They were talking about telly and countdown and the new series of ‘look around you’ and there were adverts that were vaguely amusing and they played proper pop songs and stuff I hadn’t heard before but wanted to know more about and had irreverent conversations about things that don’t matter and the prices were all in quid and and and and. anyroad i’m missing Somerset’s green and pleasant charms. {{popup kingstonarialview.jpg kingstonarialview 390×267}}Here’s an aerial view of me village about 5100 miles from here…
& had a tough day at work… to top it all off.
moan, moan, moan. Here’s a fun link to reward you for reading all that rubbish. Guess the dictator or sit-com character. It took about 20 questions to work out I was Daisy from Spaced then 15 to divine that I was Generalisimo Francisco Franco. The days simply fly by…