And on the eve of 3 decades of me…

I’ve been having a great weekend, not blogging is usually a good sign… just made proper chips, with oil and potatoes and salt and vinegar. and peas and lasagne and baked beans and a pint of dry blackthorn cider. living like croesus… Anyroad, according to a 10-question meme:

You Are 23 Years Old

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what’s to come… love, work, and new experiences.

Incredible work ethic

I’ve nearly got all the things I had to do today more or less under control and to celebrate, I added another couple of reviews. Here’s one all about Louis DeBernieres’s’s’s’s’ tiny little book, Red Dog, and here’s another for Black Books. There’s a nice unifying theme in the last three reviews…. red dogs, black books, dogs in the night time… maybe not.
You can also click on the links on the ‘consumed’ section to the right, of course.

I’m thinking of putting a tagline by the reviews, something like ‘Making other people’s efforts all about me since 2004’. Suggestions?.. In fact, I remember reviewing The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett as a last minute, ‘Arse, I need more coursework to submit for my GCSE English Language’ thing aged 16, so maybe since 1991… keep checking by.

Still recovering

At least 30 people came to our party last night and at one stage dancing broke out. The empty bottles won’t fit in our huge recycling wheelie bin. And even Atticus behaved himself. T’was grand. There’s a few photos which I’ll get on here soon of peeps. Anyroad, thanks to everyone who came. It more than made up for our uneventful new year’s eve.

Sita passes her QEs and then some

Sita had her Qualifying Exam this morning from 9-12. She was up at 5, bless her, preparing. And I just heard she’d passed so CONGRATULATIONS, guapita! This means she is ‘ABD’ which sounds like a hyperactivity disorder (and just may be…) but means she’s ‘All But Dissertation’ for her PhD, so she’s done all the classes and written the papers and just needs to do her dissertation to walk out as Doctor Sita, it’s still 2 years or so away, but this is a MAJOR step. Am well proud of me little wifey… 99 bottles of beer quiz tonight, which is a little less intimidating than a verbal exam in front of 5 awe inspiring professors. Party on Saturday…! (and that’s 2 exclamation marks more than i usuall write in a blog entry) ! 3…

also, a friend just emailed me with the following poser:
“I’ve lately embarked on a sci-fi/fantasy movie project with my nephew. he’s fascinated by lord of the rings, but new to the concept of sci-fi and fantasy as genres. so now i get to watch all sorts of cool old movies with him, as an intervention, education sort of thing. or i could refrain from theorizing it, and just say it’s a good excuse to watch fun, silly, and/or good movies. got any suggestions?”

I said Back to the Future trilogy, Labyrinth, Hitchhiker’s Guide, the Black Hole and a few others, but what would you recommend, please help the education of the future leaders of America with the ‘Comment’ link, ta…

So, we were checking that it’s wednesdays

when a Brit of Trivia happens at local bar, 99 bottles of beer, and lo and behold there’s a picture of us from a while ago. Have a look here. We’re half-way down, on the right. After Sita QEs on Wed, we’re going to spend the evening there and have a fiesta of sorts on Friday too. Anyroad, just finished a nice meal and may well head off to Blockbuster for more entertainment. righty, hasta pronto, gwyn

Feliz aNo Nuevo

sunflowercomposite (56k image)
Just finished making a calendar with Ofoto for me grandmothers. Here’s the cover picture. I made it a while ago with a program called fotomosaic which seems to have disappeared off the face of the interweb. You tell it which picture to work on and what pictures to use to fill it, and hey presto, you have a 25 meg file. Hopefully the calendars’ll arrive b4 the end of January.

Didn’t really make it out last night… Scott, Becky & Naomi came round and we cooked, drank and ate stuff. Then they left b4 midnight so sita and I watched a few amateur fireworks in our street then tried to locate the phone (in vain) while it rang several times, eventually retrieving messages from such luminaries as Meg’n’Matt, me folks and Sam. Which was nice. Next year we’ll endeavour to keep the phone in an obvious place come midnight… I’m still surprised that they put footage of New York counting down on at 12 despite it having happened 3 hours before. Odd.

Got another “This review was helpful to me” vote from Amazon. Here’s the link to my reviews if you fancy it. Reviewer #24840 and counting…

Nearly the new year…

I seem to remember muttering recently about having survived Swansea at kicking-out time enough times to look after myself in Santa Cruz. Well I just read in a lovely article in the Grauniad that tonight (31st Dec) in the UK “About 1.6 million people are expected to get into fights today”, “53% of the Welsh have not even thought about their plans.” and fun fact # 3: “the website surveyed 10,000 people on the internet and worked out that fully half the country will have snogged by midnight.” Fair warms the cockles…

What do you reckon to shoving this in the rapidly-filling-up right column? I haven’t accessed this blog on dial-up for a long time so if it’s going to add more download time to the page, it’s probably not worth it. It shows the current weather, moon phase, etc in Yeovil, Somerset, UK The WeatherPixie Comments? 😉

One last thing… I made a quick and nasty site for ABC, one of the child abuse prevention programs I manage, have a butcher’s here. It’s a work in progress, I’ll be digging out my copy of Flash MX to perk it up a tad soon enough…

Just got back from t’cinema

Just saw “Closer” with Jude Law and Natalie Portman and various others. It’s great entertainment if you enjoy watching grown-ups breaking up with each other and getting back together again or not. Anyroad, Sita loved it and as such on the right in the “Consumed box”, Sita will be rating films with the Klem icon (the brown one) out of 5… just so people don’t assume she’s just as fond of I, Robot, as I am, or whatever…

It’s quiet. Too quiet…

Tons to do at work, and there’s all the peace and tranquility in the world to do it in, but I think I work better with the hum of activity around me…

Went to San Jose airport last night, Becky and little Naomi were meant to arrive the same time at SJC as Scott, but storms around CA stopped that occurring, so we picked em up and took them home and Scott got back in the early hours.

Should be off to the cinema tonight for some flickery. Really must catch up on the odd review, maybe that can be yet another new year’s resolution. I’m reading Hitchhiker, a biography of Douglas Adams, it’s the 2nd one I’ve read of him. This one’s a little too anorak-y, full of useless info “Douglas was paid 280 pounds for 2 minutes of material in episode 5 of Weekending in 1976” type stuff and footnotes…

Anyroad, got some work to do here. Don’t be shy in using the guestmap, if my sister’s pets can add their names to it, anyone can…

Still on me holidays

Sita and I stayed in last night and watched all of the first series of Peep Show. It is fantastic. Thank you Bethan and Ali for that one. It’s bloody brilliant, we were in stitches. Televisual find of the year.

I got hiccups 5 different times yesterday. And since someone googled “necrophilic photos” and arrived at my book reviews page. I’m going to list my favourite hiccough cures here and try and encourage some healthier traffic to the site.

1. Drinking from the other side of a glass. Which involves bending right over and resting the far side of the glass on the inside of your top lip with the other side nearly over your chin. Drink the whole pint of water. NB Beer won’t work.

2. Get a pint of water (beer sometimes works). Take a deep breath, don’t exhale. Take a gulp of yer water, say “Hiccups I have got”, don’t breathe, take another gulp, say “Hiccups I don’t want”, another gulp, “Hiccups go away”, gulp, “hiccups are no more”. Slowly exhale and resume regular breathing.

3. When all else fails: Relaxation technique. Lie down, listen to your breathing. Point your toes far forward, breathe in, hold, then exhale as you relax them. Then again, this time pointing them towards you. Then yer thighs, tense, hold, exhale, then legs, then hands, then arms, then stomache, head. Stop once your hiccups go away… This can take 10 minutes or so.

Oh, and click ‘more’, below, for the results from the latest meme I found on Flash’s site
