Getting better all the time

I just read wikipedia’s English article on Pozole.

Pozole … is a traditional pre-Columbian soup or stew made from hominy, with pork (or other meat), chili, and other seasonings and garnish, such as cabbage, lettuce, oregano, cilantro, avocado, radish, lime juice, etc….

The story of pozole is obscure, but some believe that the stew originated with the natives of Tonalá, Jalisco. After the arrival of the conquistadores, Tonalá’s legendary queen Cihualpilli threw a banquet in their honor and pozole was served. After the priests found out the secret behind the recipe (human flesh), a decision was made to change the human flesh for pig’s. Pozole spread throughout New Spain with variations in different regions according to local tastes.

I’d like to know who those “some” are who believe that bit about human flesh… Anyroad they do a tasty version about 5 blocks from here next to Santa Cruz Church. I braved the flash flooding today to go to Gigante to stock up on comfort foods and boiled up about a gallon of chicken turkey breast soup (they’d sold out of chicken…). Feed a cold, starve a fever and all that…

3 comments on “Getting better all the time

  1. Just put “anyroad” in the search box and pretty much every single entry since April 2005 comes up, I’m somewhat chagrined to learn…

    Anyroad, I listened to TotalPodCastrophe #21 Gun Salute (mp3) on the way to the supermarket (and back, yes, it’s that long!) yesterday and it had me chuckling away like a goon. I’ve had the teeth falling out dream many, many times. I used to think it was related to financial insecurity but now I’m convinced it’s merely (completely justified) dental insecurity. Also I loved Judy’s observation on the infinite tangents conundrum.

    Great to hear you 2 inspired by the conference and wish you all the best with future titles which I think will probably get exponentially harder the further from 21 you go. Unless you play a lot of bingo… 😀

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