Saturday Morning and no-one’s home

I tried phoning me family in Blighty, but no-one’s home so I’ve resorted to the interweb again to spend a while catching up on the news 6000 miles or so away. Naturally, I soon got distracted and found myself on this here site: infinitecat (1k image) Recursive felines, just what you need on a bright and sunny Saturday morning.

I didn’t catch all of the presidential debate last night, but in the half hour i did see I got to see Bush shouting like a spoilt child at the moderator and talking about the Internets (sic). A search on the new engine has a snapshot of the front page of Gwynunlimited with the bloke with the “Bush is crap” banner from the peace march in SF last year, which tickled me, probably better than the Easter Rabbits one. Anyroad, there’s no chance of me ever getting to vote in the US, but at least I managed to register to vote in Somerset in my short stay over last month.