Sita graduates…

…this afternoon. From this point on in the blog, and the real world, she’s Dr. Sita.

Sally & Martin are down at the minute and we’re off for breakfast in a moment. Lots of pictures coming this way in 24-48 hours.

Hasta pronto!



THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR THE CONGRATS. We’re still celebratin’ more soon, including this photo…


7 comments on “Sita graduates…

  1. Congratulations to Sarita! Once things have calmed down a bit, lets try to catch up.

    Wish Sarita my best.


  2. Felicidades!!!!

    Un gran abrazo y parabienes para Uds!

    PS: Dr. Sita suena jocoso! es el diminutivo de Dra!

  3. Enhorabuena, la ‘doctorcita!’
    So pleased, so proud of you.
    We look forward to catching up with you. Perhaps Portland once you are settled? Not that you ever stop to catch a breath!
    Love and congratulations.

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