Oaks Park

At least I think that’s the name of it… Sellwood, between the river and the railway… can’t miss it. This is another zoom-while-you’re-shooting, small aperture shot. Less pronounced than the last one I took in Tryon Park.

Moon rise

This was taken at 800 ISO, aperture 8.0 for about 10 seconds on RAW for a change and had a huge amount of ‘noise’ on it. And not the good kind, so it’s been through a bit of processing. I’m including it here because although it’s not amongst my best, what it lacks in technical accomplishment I think it makes up for in atmosphere.

Autumn turns to winter

I bought the domain name www.vintageviewfinders.com today. A bargain at 99cents for a year and I’ve set it up to forward to this category. Wish I’d thought of it before I got my business cards printed, but hey ho.

Mexican Colours

Oregonian temperatures… I liked the way the shadow cast itself across the decidedly Mexican looking paintwork. It’s a photo from my ‘thanksgiving’ stroll yesterday morning.

Here’s a photo from Guadalajara to contrast with…


Local Nutz $2.49/lb

Not sure what that is in metric, but it seems like a bargain. Let’s do the maths… 2.2lbs in a kilo so… $2.49 x 2.2= $5.48/kilo and today that’s £3.67 in pounds sterling for a kilogram of walnuts and hazelnuts. Is that a good deal?

I’ve not had a comment on this photoblog for weeks so I’m trying to invite interaction…

Cusp of Winter

This is from wandering round Portland’s Arboretum, where they have a fine selection of trees with their Latin names emblazoned on plaques. Though this here photo could really be from anywhere…


I’d never seen one of these road signs before, seems like it could do a fair bit of damage to your car if you rolled over it at night. It was in a part of town with very little traffic, near Clackamas Correctional Centre, for the record.

I’ve been playing too much late night scrabble lately. I look at this and mentally I’m thinking, hmmm. STOP, POTS, OPTS, TOPS, SPOT, POST… they’re all worth 6pts, but should I use up my S on something so low scoring?…

My wheels, yo

I was hanging out in the antiques shops again this afternoon, I saw a load of cameras priced between 15 and 40 bucks and was sorely tempted. I reckon I should take at least another couple of hundred photos with my present cameras before I start adding to the collection. That said, I’m already thinking of trading my digital camera in for one with a higher resolution, because once I’ve cropped to the size of the viewfinder it’s probably only 2 megapixels, max and I’m not sure how they’ll look when printed.


“Dipsacus is a genus of flowering plant in the family Dipsacaceae. The members of this genus are known as teasel or teazel or teazle.” says Wikipedia. I’d just like to add Teasle to the list of accepted spellings.

Shoots and leaves

One of my first Through the Viewfinder shots, taken just outside my front door. We’re having one of the dryest autumns on record in Oregon leading to a gorgeous selection of turning trees.

Atticus in the park

It’s supremely difficult juggling an expensive digital camera, a vintage Kodak Duaflex IV and a hyper-active, squirrel-crazed schipperke. However, occasionally he does stand still and lets me take a shot like this.