Thanks again, Elias!

Friday’s trip to SCruz went great, lovely to see our sociologist/non-sociologist friends again in what might be one of our last visits (except in we’re going again in half an hour and there for graduation on Friday…). I didn’t sleep so wonderfully due to a heady mixture of garlic bread and a sweltering hotel room, so I got up at 5am and managed to catch the sunrise and greet the sealions dozing by the pier.

Here’s the set of all the pix and if you hover your mouse over the picture above, you’ll see the picture Elias’s watercolour is based on (painted in less than 90 minutes if my calculations are correct). He’s the artist behind the butterfly a while ago. One of these days I’m going to have a go at this watercolour thing and if I’m only a fraction as good as Elias I’ll be very happy.

2 comments on “Thanks again, Elias!

  1. Thanks Gwyn, a pleasure to see the watercolor in your blog and also for considering me an “artist”. Your time estimation is correct, it take me between 60 and 90 min given the size of the paper.

    Hope this is not the last time I use one of your great pictures to performe watercolors.


  2. Ojalá, Elias!

    Thanks for the honour. Your English is great, by the way. You just need to add some extra ‘u’s to words like watercolor 😉 Es broma, así está en inglés norteamericano. Saludos mi amigo!

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