Vanity publishing

All this could be yours to own.
All this could be yours to own.

Imagine if every day* you checked your email and saw you’d received an email from a friend with a lovely picture from round Portland way and a brief description of the photo.

Imagine how much easier it would be dealing with the other things clogging up your inbox if you’d first seen a picture of Oregon at its finest.

Imagine if in between the sea of Facebook alerts you had something that didn’t require you to sign into anything to be rewarded with a message.

Imagine that if you ever got sick of receiving said daily slice of the Pacific Northwest you could cancel at any time.

Imagine no longer…

Sign up for email updates from my photoblog:

Enter your email address:

It’s what’s known as a win-win situation… you get emailed a photo. I get a boost to my ego and a reason to keep on publishing the blog.

If boosting my ego isn’t enough motivation, think of the schipperke.

more subscribers = more photos = more walks and exercise for Atticus.
more subscribers = more photos = more walks and exercise for Atticus.

Real quotes from current subscribers:

“I like your writing and you take some nice pics too!”
“I like getting your daily photo in my inbox”
“it’s lovely to see your pics. they are fabulous.”

But that’s not all.

The next 5 subscribers win a 4×6 signed print of any photo from the vaults.

(present subscribers can have one too, hellz yeah, send me a link to the one you want, A, T, A & D)

If you’re all about the RSS, that’ll be: the offer stands for feed readers too.

This’ll be the last time I nag you for a while.

* most days…

If you’d like email updates from this here blog then use this form 🙂

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Here endeth the plug.

1ft of snow, with an icy crust. Video soon…